Leverage in forex


The number one thing that hangs most traders out to dry is the ability to be able to use forex leverages so as to execute your forex transactions via a leveraged account. Using leverage allows traders to trade on the market with more money than what they actually have in their account. For example, if you were trading 2:1, you could use a $1000 deposit, to control $2000 of currency on the market. Many brokers in the forex offer as much as 50:1 leverage. New traders tend to jump in and start trading with that 50:1 leverage immediately without being prepared for the consequences. But traders should watch carefully when ,aking such choices.


The leverage is the controlling back given to you by your broker to control bigger amounts in the forex market. For instance, if you make a deposit of $50 and you get a 1:50 leverage, this means that you can control $2500 with just that $50 you have. The more leverage your broker offers, the better chances of making more money in the market. Some brokers like Profiforex offers leverage of up to 1:500.


Leverage is one of the advantage of trading in forex. Leverage can make your returns be much more greater than your initial deposit. But leverage can be a double edge sword too. So there is need to exercise caution.