Any need for the hurry?


Winning traders show patience. They wait for ideal market conditions before entering a trade. And when they enter a trade, they follow their trading plan, even if it means patiently waiting for the right time to exit. But many traders are impatient. They impulsively jump into trades and they sell at the first sign of danger. Why can't they wait? Some traders are in a hurry and they want to make money now. But profitable trading takes time and patience.How can you learn to become more patient? First, it's necessary to admit that you are impatient. It's hard to admit our limitations, but the first step in solving any problem is admitting that you have one. Second, as you monitor trades, practice looking at events objectively. See yourself as an objective observer would see you, and then, think about how you might act more patiently. Third, realize that your impatience may be a signal that you need protection from the potentially harmful consequences of a trade.