15 ways to avoid losing money - page 2


if we could have a good RM then we do not need to worry about losing money experience. Forex is a business that has a high risk, the risk that it is for us to be successful and survive in forex with longer then we need to have a good RM with always use SL when trading


In forex trading this we are never free from loss, loss in forex trading will always be there, therefore we need to be able to minimize the loss by trying to trade with SL use when trading. With the SL, the risk in forex can we minimize well


Wow! This is a very wonderful post and I really enjoyed reading all comments. I am new in this page. Thank you for sharing valuable information.


Your personal skill helps to avoid loss in some manner when you make a good plan , act upon it and manage risk well. And thing that helps you is a good Broker they will not steal your money , there dealings will be fair. As Mayzus are regulated and trusted broker. I never loose money with them as most of the people complain that transactions are not in time they face re-quotes.