Learn from the best!


I never knew there was award for the best forex trader in the world until I came across an article on it. I believe we can learn from such a person, so I have taken the leverage to share some of his famous quotes here. By the way the trader's name is George Soros;

"It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, but how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when're wrong."
Lesson: Kill loosing position quickly and build up the winning ones.


Someone who want to get earn in forex, they must making him selves more talent in forex trading first.

Practices and practices is good..


forex is a business that has a very high risk. With the risk that we need to learn and practice trading well. learn in forex is mandatory for beginners, because with a lot to learn so we can improve the skills of good trading.


in our forex required to continuously improve the ability of both to successful trading in forex. by continuing to improve trading skills is good then we will be able to succeed in this business. we can use a demo account or a contest demo of brokers to enhance the ability of a good trading


Learning is great but getting aquinted and putting into what you learn into total practice is another thing. Most trader have the knowledge that practicing money management and following a trading plan is a good road to success in forex but still find it difficult to follow. Every trader need to break that barrier to earn consistent profit.


Hello fellow traders!

Comprehensive Forex education and training is a must but there is a different between knowing the path and actually walking on the path.

For example, with the help of mathematics you could create formulas related to Martingale trading. Your trading formula and theory may looks good and profitable on paper but hard to practically apply.

The education and information could only teach traders trading methods, it is the Forex trading experience that is required to actually do successful trading and to pull pips out of the market on a consistent basis.


yes, learn from experience is crucial in forex trading because we can learn from the experience will make us able to trade with more leverage again. Forex is a business that has a high risk that we need to learn from experience so that our trade will increase


to become a successful trader then we need to be learning. Learning from experience is indispensable especially forex is high risk, with the risk that it is to be successful we need to continue to improve the ability of good trading and learn from experiences both experience own or the experience of others