Problem: Missing OnTrade events

I found the phoenomenon that MT5 sometimes skip the OnTrade events when MT5 system is busy.

Below is the definition about rising condition of OnTrade events.

"The function is called  when the Trade event occurs, which appears when you change the list of placed orders and open positions, the history of orders and history of deals. "

I monitor OnTrade events after Market buy/sell command. 

In almost case is OK, but sometimes program cannot detect the "history of deals" changes in OnTrade events. 

It is seemed to happen when MT5 take some seconds to open the position.

MT5 sometimes skip the OnTrade events even though "history of deals" is changed when busy.

Please check condition of OnTrade events. 


PS. You can use the test EA to reproduce that I sent before. (

MT5 Tester bug report
89681 done (based on order #2)2010.