Simple News Trading Method


I know many traders out there are fearful of trading the actual news release itself so I wanted to offer a different method that those traders could test. This method is no secret but its often overlooked. This tends to work better on the larger releases, nfp for example. So open your 1 minute chart and lets get started.

1.) Wait for the spike to happen first (if whipsaw dont trade it)

2.) Check the deviation to be certain its big enough to cause a continued push.

3.) Wait for a pull back of the initial move. (preferably atleast 40%-50% of news bar)

4.) Enter market in the direction of the spike and catch second push.

I know several people who trade this method and they all use different entry methods and different take profit methods but from what I've seen it does work and its simple enough that any trader can learn it. You'll want to find a way to get the release numbers quickly. Talking-Forex offers a free news wire service or you can simply use something like Forex news gun to get the data quickly.

There are several individuals online that teach variations of this method, Henry Liu for one. You can easily find his ebook, news profiteer, online free with a quick google search.

I personally find the risk acceptable in trading the actual news release itself. The biggest problem you will run into is broker manipulation and thats why I switched over to futures. Global futures has a low minimum deposit of $500 so its just as easy to start as in forex, Global also has very low margins. Best of all no broker manipulation. I personally use a straddle method on the larger releases and I use spreads or binaries on Nadex for the wilder releases like crude oil. I've found that its possible to trade most events you just have to find the right method. Anyway if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask me.


I was remember when i hedged the NFP news. Sometimes its work and very successful when the news having move huge volatile. I open two opposite possition..

This trap really work, you can try this trap 1 minutes before the news coming.


i will try with this menthod. i hope it is effective. if we can make money with it. i think we spend little time for it


some system trading is simple. it is your opinion. you can't understand it. we can't know. we lucky we can make money, we will lose if we are not lucky

some system trading is simple. It is your opinion. You can't understand it. we can't know. we lucky we can make money, we will lose if we are not lucky

Luck never comes into play in currency trading or any trading for that matter. Luck is something that gamblers hope for. Successful trading is about trading probabilities and having an edge. If you do not have an edge, you do not trade. Wishing for luck and you have no clue, in gambling the house always has the edge. And successful trading you wait until the odds are in your favor as created by your edge.


You are right Dennis Along with Simple News Trading Method, we have to up to date about market current news and financial statements.