unpredictable! - page 2


Forex market is not unpredictable! However it is not a child's play.

You can forecast and trade the market with some sort of probability.

However; you need to first test specific patterns. I use Elliott wave patterns to trade and forecast the market.

Each Elliott wave pattern has its own winning %.

For example, Ending diagonal triangle pattern offers 80% success rate. This means, out of 10 trades, you could win 8 times and lose 2 times.

It is not that much easy as it may seems as I am using Elliott wave since year 2005. A trader needs to first get proper education. Next he needs to do some practice to gain trading experience.

Fact: 90% traders do not have proper education and training. Due to this reason, they only lose money. They think Forex trading is difficult and unpredictable!

Here is my USD/JPY sell trade using Elliott wave ending diagonal triangle!

usd-jpy3.jpg  103 kb

Yes Forex is a Unpredictable sometime but often we can predict it right and can go for profit to earn. Also we should always do some right decision to invest in forex.