How should i start forex trading?


To be honest what you mentioned suggests that you think that Forex may be a way to make money overnight. It is not. Forex trading is a business and needs to be treated as a business. And any business needs in-depth understanding of the concepts, pros and cons. Don't jump into it and I would even say don't even jump iinto it with even ademo account. Demo accounts can be two way swords. Early success and early failure may taint our decision makings when we are faced with the real thing with real money. The reason is simple that during demo, we do not face one of the most important aspects of trading and that is psychological aspect. Study, study and study first. read a lot.


We should start forex trading with demo account because it's more safe for beginner and using this account, we can learn basics of trading which we will need for real trading. And until now, i'm still using demo account from InstaForex, i also try to take part in demo contest.


Starting forex is easy you can use virtual money for trading practice. It will tell you all about trading . You will not face loss or profit but it is a good way of learning and experience after it opena live account with a good broker and start real trading.

Master Forex IB:
Starting forex is easy you can use virtual money for trading practice. It will tell you all about trading . You will not face loss or profit but it is a good way of learning and experience after it opena live account with a good broker and start real trading.

Yes, you right, we can use demo account to start trading in forex and we also can learn before we use real account. We will get basics of trading if we can use it well. If we can start trading using real account, we can try to take advantages of no deposit bonus, such as posting bonus from InstaForex.


Always the right choice to start with a demo account, it opens the avenue for experience on fx. And the interesting part is that we can demo trade as long as we want. And like i was told by Profiforex, we can demo trade with the help of an expert, which can be very helpful as we venture into real trading.

Always the right choice to start with a demo account, it opens the avenue for experience on fx. And the interesting part is that we can demo trade as long as we want. And like i was told by Profiforex, we can demo trade with the help of an expert, which can be very helpful as we venture into real trading.

I agree with you. And i still wonder, why there are still trader who assume that use demo account is waste our time and it's useless. What do you think about it?

uncle gober:
Invest your time first before you invest your money in forex. Make sure you have educate yourself with a lot of practice.Forex is a high risk and high reward business. We can not only put our money in our trading account and it grow it self, but we need to trade with that. And forex trading not only buy or sell, but need much more than that. We have to understand the forex market, we need a good well known the forex system, we also need a good handling our emotions in forex trading.

The first thing I do when I have to join the forex is to know first what is forex, how to join. after that I started to learn to trade using a demo account. Once is enough, I began to take the liberty to start trading with real account. Amount of about $ 1.


Yes it is good way to start real trading with micro accounts and invest small amount in it. You will be aware of role of emotions in real trading ,your knowledge and skill is shown here when you trade in real market.start forex and see what is your level of learning and earning.

Master Forex IB:
Yes it is good way to start real trading with micro accounts and invest small amount in it. You will be aware of role of emotions in real trading ,your knowledge and skill is shown here when you trade in real market.start forex and see what is your level of learning and earning.

the psychological is very necessary when trading. When we monitor chart, we are required to be psychologically stable. so we will get the right decisions, when to buy and when to sell. That way we will get profit.


Every trader must start with demo account and practice their allot try to attend good forums participate in forum and join webinars and always update with forex news.


The first thing I do when I have to join the forex is to know first what is forex, how to join. after that I started to learn to trade using a demo account. Once is enough, I began to take the liberty to start trading with real account. Amount of about $ 1.