Is it possible to trade with emotions - page 8

We can control emotion and greed with good money management and good attitude. We must need to be finish the greed from our trading life and always be patience during trading. Think we can control our greedy factor by making ourselves calm and placid during the trading.

have emotional control is very important because by having good emotional control will make us able to trade with a maximum, and therefore we could try to trade using small capital used to hone psychology well. With the rise of psychology will allow us to trade with the maximum.


Trading with emotion will only give a loss for us, therefore we need to be able to minimize the emotional well with trying to trade using small capital first, and therefore we need to be able to take advantage of trading with small capital to hone psychological well


yes, for that we need to have a good trading psychology for us to control the emotions well, to have a good psychology will allow us to trade with the maximum. we could use a real account with a small capital to train psychology well


No, I don't think so that there would be any space in trading of emotions, we need to be emotionless while trading, specially we should gain control over our anger.


I doubt if it is really possible. I will use an example here of a trader who gets angry with his losses and desperately and even hurriedly opened a trade so as to recover fast. But the trade doesn't go well and he is losing; the prices get down past his stop limit but because of anger he is reluctant to close the trade because of emotions of anger and greed. He ends up getting completely wiped out.

I think emotion is very bad in Forex market, with emotion no one will be able to do Forex. So i will not suggest any one to trade with emotions.

That's why we need to keep calm when analyzing and opening a trading position.


The truth is in practical forex trading, it is almost impossible to trade without emotions. Since it is a live account, and you are trading with real money, there are bound to be emotion. But one reliable way of reducing them is trading with a well calculated strategy.


This is a question that seems very difficult to answer. Some feel it is possible to trade without emotions, while others feel otherwise. What is your view on this? And if you think its possible to trade without emotions getting in the way, please tell us how.

Fear and Greed are the two main forces that control the emotion of traders anywhere. The ability of one to control or balance these two forces implies that one is not trading with emotion. Emotional traders are always losers!!