Is it possible to trade with emotions - page 4


You must trade with emotions; whether it is fear, confidence, anger, name it. Emotions are always involved where money is.


not at all emotions are not in trader's benefit they lead them to do unrealistic trading and results are not fair.emotions just make us greedy or fearful, they do not help to do successful trading some times we loose our winning trades due to emotional involvement.

This is a question that seems very difficult to answer. Some feel it is possible to trade without emotions, while others feel otherwise. What is your view on this? And if you think its possible to trade without emotions getting in the way, please tell us how.

Keep your emotions for your bedroom


trade with emotional should be avoided. because emotions will only bring bad impact for our trading. If the emotion is already affecting our trading then it is better if we leave the trading moment, because it is too dangerous if we are still trading.

uncle gober:
It is difficult to trade without emotions as it is a human nature to have emotions. In forex trading, a trader needs time to drill himself/herself to overcome emotions as times goes by gaining more trading experience. If you are trading manually, after you executed an open trade, shutdown your pc or walk away from your pc or you can use a robot, EA to trade for you.

I agree with you, we are difficult to trade without emotion. because emotions are a part of human nature that is difficult to avoid. Uncontrolled emotions can be bad for our trading. Therefore, we should be able to minimize the emotions so that we can trade comfortably and obtain maximum trading results.


I think emotions are very harmful to trade in forex. With emotions we can loose our money in Forex very quickly so we should control our emotions while trading.


yeah. some time i can't control my emotion and result i lose money


if we can the trade without emotions control well then we will lose trading. therefore, to be able to control the emotions of trading, we should be able to have a good trading psychology. so it is easy for us to control emotions.


This is a really interesting question and I think we all react differently to our emotions when trading. I found this fun new quiz from GO Markets that works out your personality type through some simple questions, ( see here - What Type of Trader Are You? | GO Markets ) I took the test and my result was a Shark trader, which identified me as getting 'impatient, greedy, and emotional about investments, and are drawn to high-risk markets without putting in the proper time or money to learn about the risks associated' - pretty spot on!

Although the questions are not scientific in anyway it is interesting that my result was so accurate after answering how much money I had ever gained or loss in a trade. Give it a go and see if yours is the same. Would be interested to see if they are and might give you some insight into how you could possibly deal with certain emotions which trading.

If you want something more researched though I would suggest taking the following test - Tharp Trader Test also some interesting insights!


One cannot trade without emotions, it is your emotions that controls your trade, if you are brought under you emotions, you are at the verge of loosing, so trade with emotions but don't be brought down by your emotions especially when you loose.