How many traders in the Forex Market? - page 2


traders in the forex market has an infinite amount. forex is a business that has many advantages, so that increasingly more traders interested in forex trading. With a small capital and a very flexible time this becomes the reason for a trader to choose trading in forex


Forex is a very profitable business. Many of the benefits we can get from forex. so that the number of traders will be many more. especially without spending substantial capital we've been able to do forex trading.


there is no specific figure for number of traders in the forex market its a 3 trillion industry with millions of traders, i just can imagine how many traders we are at hotforex alone, what else in other brokers, how about traders that trade more than one brokers, or traders that own more then one account, its limitless i guess.


I do not think there are specific number of traders in the forex market because there are so many traders trading the forex market and a lot of new ones are joining the forex market every day.


There are millions of people trading Forex all over the world and the year 2013 was a huge leap in the market where more than 5.3 trillion dollars where traded. Banks, financial institutions, hedge funds and individual investors are the major players in the Forex market and central banks play an important role as they engage in currency interventions to make their currencies appreciate or depreciate.