Forex learning


Today many resources are available for learning forex market or forex terminology. I have learned forex terminology using babypips school that’s best platform for learning, anyone other sources


We also can use forex forums to get more knowledge beside that, we also get trading experience from other traders.


Some source are available for learning is babypips schools. I also use Youtube as the second source of learning.

There are many ways to get forex learning. Easy way is to read articles on internet. You can get training or class from any trader who knows this market well he can tell you many things in ;ow time. Forex forums are another way of getting knowledge , here our knowledge increase by discussion. Then trading practice also sharps your learning towards trading with market.

You're right. There are many ways to learn about forex, include forex forums. Even, I think the forex forum is the best place where we get a valuable lesson from the experience of other traders.


I agree baby pips school is best way to learn best forex trading. Trader can also learn by eBooks and forum, and forum discussion this is also very good method to learn real time forex.

I agree baby pips school is best way to learn best forex trading. Trader can also learn by eBooks and forum, and forum discussion this is also very good method to learn real time forex.

Yeah, there are several sources that we can use to learn forex, beside that, our experience is also be a source which give us valuable lesson. Experience is our best teacher.


what you have got.... is surely going to be of immense help to me.. thanks


The wise man said "invest your time before invest your money" and its true, in forex is always like that if we want success on it.

firstly we do is learning the basic of forex trading, its about technical and fundamental analisys, metatrader guide, and all information that we have to know.

secondly, we need to invest our time to practice in a demo account about 3 to 6 month or more.

last step, open a real account, funding your money you can afford to lose, and pick up the best strategis for your trading...

Good luck, i hope it helpful.


Yes theree are lot of sites and forums to get learning free on forex. I also know all about forex through internet . baby pips and other forums helped me in this contests. Then demo is a good source to see you r learning in practical . Where you know how to apply trades in forex market. It trained a beginner to do effficient trading without investing his own money.


to learn forex so much better, I think we should be active in parts of the demo contest. Many of the lessons that I can get from demo contest. Atmosphere that is created in the demo contest, can help us to train the psychology of trading. As we know, forex play with psychology.


Tradimo school it also a good place to learn trade