Forex is not Gambling business. - page 2


I think forex different to gambling. I think there are no buy and sell in gambling, while there are sell and buy in forex trading. And for can generate profit in forex we need science. Without science, we would not make a profit. while gambling, whether we need science to be able to make a profit?


Yes it had distinct qualities than gambling. In gambling you can not manage your risk . In forex it is possible to plan and manage trading risks according to your need and investment .We can come out of market any time with low loss too.


of course, though in the forex risk, but if we can manage risk properly then the profit will come to us. we should have a good RM if our accounts want to last longer. but in gambling, can not we manage risk. even we could have been rigged by bookie.


Forex is clearly not gambling business. people need to learn the truth about fores trading so they can understand how reliable and easy to earn online with no trouble as a respectable income method.


When someone states that something is a form of gambling, it generally means that they are taking a random risk. While proponents of the efficient market hypothesis might feel that Forex is a form of gambling, I would have to disagree. If Forex was merely a form of gambling there wouldn't be traders who make good returns year after year, eventually traders would just get unlucky.

While it would be crazy to say that there isn't a bit of random luck when it comes to trading financial markets, good traders are able to ride out these blips and remain profitable in the long run. The risk management elements of trading is really what separates Forex from most forms of gambling.


forex is not gambling. as to get profit in forex we do not need luck, what we need is hard work. we have to work hard to get profit from forex. for that, we need good trading analysis. we invest the time to learn and practice trading.


Forex is not a gambling and it is a real business. We can not predict Forex . If a trader consider Forex gambling then i think he has no strategy and he only depends on luck.


Forex is not gambling. It is a proper business and have its rules and regulations. The big difference between gambling and Forex is depending on luck. We can not depend on luck in Forex and we can not succeed in Forex without hard work.


Those who sees forex as gambling depends on their experience with foex, forex is not gambling as long as there is profit and lose. Every trade have profit and lose so also with forex, Those who sees forex as gambling, are advised to quit forex.


It depends on how we see forex. Forex is a very good business when one take it seriously and invest time and effort to learn it. And it becomes gambling when one only trades for luck and greed.