Forex is very interesting


In myopinion Forex Trade is very interesting, although it is a very good business,besides it is a kind of game, where one's mind is occupied, one sits to workfor 15 minutes and he linger on up to one hour and 15 minutes, I really enjoy.What about you?


Forex is not a kind of game, it's a business. We have to be seriously when undergoing it. And i agree, forex trading is very interesting, but not for all people. I also enjoy it, althoug i just a part time trader, but forex give me chance to get additional income, even without having deposit, i can start trading.


Yes, you are right Forex is very interested business but not a game. I am doing forex as part time so I have spend fixed timing in front of my system. I don’t avoid any loss and mistake I am doing forex trading very seriously.


No mate, forex business is not a game, here daily turnover is trillion that real currency that’s not a part of game that’s real business. Yes, I am agree that’s interesting because currency up and down here our aim control this. If you want to earn money profit so it’s compulsory to spend more time in system.


Forex is very interesting to us because we can get the best offer from forex. We can easily earn high amount of money from forex.

When I join forex I was worried how to do work in because I had no knowledge or experience about finance. Forex proves it self an interested business . I trade in demo it was very enjoying, I spend most of the time in trading on demo to get knowledge of forex market. Now when I am doing real trading after loosing too I am interested in doing forex.

Yeah, i also felt it. And i think every one who wanna trade in forex also haven't knowledge and experience about this business. That's why we need to learn and practice to get knowledge and experience.