Is Forex a challenging business? - page 3


Forex is a challenging business, we can benefit a lot or we can get a lot of losses, it depends on the capability and our trading psychology. Therefore, to meet the challenges in this forex trading we need to have a thorough preparation trading when trading


a business is not a business unless you are challenge, its not a job thats pays you, its a business that you have to work hard on to earn


yes, forex business is very challenging, many challenges we face in this forex trading, of which we will be difficult to guess correctly the direction of the market. therefore we need to continue to improve trading skills are good that we will be able to face the challenges in this forex trading


I have seen lots of people around me treating it as an easy money source, and failed, the mere fact that most traders fails in forex is a simple negligence, or if i may say, when they fail to treat it seriously. I started trading with hotforex 3 years ago with a mere 150 or so, I honestly thought it was easy and i had to learn the hard way. 3 years into trading and i still think i lack a lot!


there are many challenges in this business. therefore to conquer the challenges in this forex we need to continue to improve the ability of good trading. With this increased ability so of the challenges in forex will be minimalized with either