Forex is a large field - page 3


Forex business involves a great deal of knowledge .When we enter in this field came to know trading is not the name of just selling or buying positions. A trader need to see all aspects before , during and after open positions,. It is a large field where low practice is not enough to understand forex market


yes forex is a large field we can not capture all the knowledge in just few months. As much we are involved in this business here are new angles and ideas of trading. There are different strategies to know so that traders can face market confidently.


forex is a business that has a very wide range. This concerns not only the individual, but also others, such as banks, tourist, state, etc.. Many people are involved in this business. And the movement of forex is not only based on economic conditions, but others also can affect .


Forex is the largest market in the entire world, where all the people involved in this business. If we want to succeed in forex, then we must have good trading skills. Without it, we are only going to get a lot of losses. Because forex is huge scope.


Yes it is right we can not learn Forex in a day or month,it is a long run process and we should continue learning even we have good experience.

Lisa P:
Yes it is right we can not learn Forex in a day or month,it is a long run process and we should continue learning even we have good experience.

You are right guys...

Just keep in learning and increase your experience in trade.

If you have trouble with fund, you can follow demo contest such as in Liteforex,fbs,roboforex. Trade in free and get real money..


yes . it is large filed. because it link with the world economy ad country economy


Forex trading is not a large field or some big business.

It is the biggest business on the face of Earth.

The daily trading volume is in 10 to 12 Trillion dollars.

However; when it comes to making money, most traders take it easy.

Few traders buy a trading book or read article on trading.

Some traders do not even read any trading book.

Most of them only lose money in trading for sure!

It takes years of education and experience to become a Doctor or Lawyer.

So, same is true for trading but some how most traders do not want to invest time and money to actually learn the trading game!


Yes Forex is the largest market in the world and never know what will be happened in next few hours. So we can not Forex in days or months. Forex keeps always changing and we should always keep learning about it.