Forex is a large field


Forex is a large field that you have never learned a month. The market is always changing and we always learn new things.


Yes, Forex is really a large field. Can’t learn it in a day you can learn more and more about it daily. It is like a sea of capital and thousands of famous financial organizations are involved with it. Since, it is a more volatile market, so we need more knowledge to trade well here. Learning never ending, in forex you can learn new with new Strategies. After demo account, Fundamental analysis play big roll to improve learning skill.


Forex is actually the largest capital market of this planet. Forex is so volatile also so every step should be taken so carefully here knowledge and experience both are compulsory. Every trader earn huge money per day from Forex by making their trade profitable. You need to make better plan and money management to make your trade profitable .So Forex is really very good business for us.


The forex market is too huge and no one can control it. The forex market are at all times monitor by the central banks.

Forex is actually the largest capital market of this planet. Forex is so volatile also so every step should be taken so carefully here knowledge and experience both are compulsory. Every trader earn huge money per day from Forex by making their trade profitable. You need to make better plan and money management to make your trade profitable .So Forex is really very good business for us.

And it is also offset by the traders on forex, today more and more traders from all walks of life who jumped diforex and new brokers emerge. Traders should be more selective in determining broker for trading.

Forex is a large field that you have never learned a month. The market is always changing and we always learn new things.

Imagine a field with a very large and complicated blue print, that's what forex is like. It takes time to learn and master.

uncle gober:
With more than $1.5 trillion USD being traded daily, the foreign exchange market has managed to become the world's largest financial market, over the last three decades. With the large minimum deal sizes and rigid financial requirements, the Forex market, till recently, was not explored by the common trader or individual investor. But now the average investors can also engage in Forex trading.

Yes, I agree with you. The forex market is very broad. There are a lot of foreign currency pairs are trading in this market. The benefits are also great. with little capital we have to invest in this market. The more years, the increasing interest in the forex market. What's more, the forex market is not going to go bankrupt because it involves the interests of countries of the world.


I would describe the Forex Brokerage industry outside the USA as perfectly competitive. Very rarely would this sort of microeconomic condition come up, but there are a lot of brokers out there that are difficult to differentiate. Everyone has every feature and can claim the lowest spreads on some pair or another, which is what makes the decision to sign up with a particular broker an idiosyncratic one.

M&A may result someday outside of the USA, but it doesn't appear likely for now.


Forex is a money factory because it is very easy to earn, one easily earn a lot of money within a very short time. Many people become employed by this forex business. There are many ways to earn huge amount from the forex business consistently. You must start with a good capital, apply positive good strategy, seek proper experience and give proper time to take the profit


A Forex signal is a suggestion for entering a trade on a currency pair, usually at a specific price and time into accumulate good profits. You use use Stop-Loss and Take-Profit . The signal is generated either by a human analyst or an automated Forex robot.Forex is a large field.


Forex having a largest, liquid and global decentralized market. As well as Big profit is best feature of Forex. Forex can contain whole world in it's market. And profit is increases with the size of market. It works along with all world and it has no any geographical restriction to expand.