Demo Demo Demo


I have read in many variuos placesthat having a demo account is the place to learn trading the best! So I haveopened demo accounts in a bunch of places - must say - am learning and gettingthe rush of it. Also see that there are a bunch of demo contests out there -thats awesome - love the rewards - the incentives to winning the contests.

Tradingforex has the mostrealistic one so far - that fx ultimate fight - I forget who it belongs to isreally unrealistic - says you have to open a real account first - dont likethat - feels like theres a catch. Any suggestions for more? Thank you all!!


I am agree with you angela.trninic. These days every broker is talking about demo account and demo contest. These are helpful for new traders to test their skills and make real money as well. Even though all demo contest are not helpful for all.

I am agree with you angela.trninic. These days every broker is talking about demo account and demo contest. These are helpful for new traders to test their skills and make real money as well. Even though all demo contest are not helpful for all.

You'e right, Shawnmichal. And with the demo and contest demo account, a beginner can learn to trade without any risk. Not for a beginner, but also a trader who is long pursue forex also use them to hone your trading skills even further, and some are using it to test a trading strategy before applying it in the real account.

I have read in many variuos placesthat having a demo account is the place to learn trading the best! So I haveopened demo accounts in a bunch of places - must say - am learning and gettingthe rush of it. Also see that there are a bunch of demo contests out there -thats awesome - love the rewards - the incentives to winning the contests. Tradingforex has the mostrealistic one so far - that fx ultimate fight - I forget who it belongs to isreally unrealistic - says you have to open a real account first - dont likethat - feels like theres a catch. Any suggestions for more? Thank you all!!

you don't have to rush things. opening a real account depends on long and well you have learned from demo account, if you know you are not ready yet just keep doing demo. remember that your money is at stake.

I have read in many variuos placesthat having a demo account is the place to learn trading the best! So I haveopened demo accounts in a bunch of places - must say - am learning and gettingthe rush of it. Also see that there are a bunch of demo contests out there -thats awesome - love the rewards - the incentives to winning the contests. Tradingforex has the mostrealistic one so far - that fx ultimate fight - I forget who it belongs to isreally unrealistic - says you have to open a real account first - dont likethat - feels like theres a catch. Any suggestions for more? Thank you all!!

You should not dwell too much on demo trading. You don't really trade with a demo account, because its just a learning tool. If you want to have a real taste of what trading is like, then you should get a micro account and try some real trades.


Actually demo accounts are a great help especially for the beginners. It helps to enlarge and improve your trading skills, make your own analysis. And when you feel that you are ready, that you have enough skills on trading, sure you should try real account. Remember LIFE LOVES THOSE YOU TAKE A RISK!!!!



I'd say go for a demo first. First you get to apply your skills and get a feel for live trading in a virtual environment. Second, you get feel out your prospective's broker's trading tools. you want to see whether you are comfortable with them or not.


Demo trade is beneficial and even participation in demo contest can be fun and rewarding. It can also sharpen your knowledge on forex .But one cannot dwell on demo alone you need to go live to experience the real deal.