Always try out a company first with a demo account - page 2


Yeah, we can use demo account to try out brokers before we trade with them. But i think we should search information about whichever reliable brokers or scam brokers. But i try out to traded with instaforex with real account and bonus post as my capital so i can know that that the process of withdrawal our profit is smoothly.


Well seems that many people are trading with Instaforex nowadays because everywhere i can see publicity about instaforex and even some are on facebook. I would go and look myself for a good broker rather than just agreeing with FB publicity of Insta forex.

@jb1981, It is good idea to start real forex trading with Micro trading account but finding a reliable broker for micro account is very hard. Can you suggest a good broker regarding this?

Dear Shawnmichal, I've been trading on a demo account for long time and when I got sure about myself and about the my skills on trading I opened a real micro account at IFC Markets. By the way I was trading demo account again at the IFC Markets. I'm very pleased with my results.

Good Luck!!


At starting point trading demo account plays very important role to learn about various aspects of trading. If you found any problem while trading then always consult with trading experts so that you can know which trades are best.

Before we start talkingabout how we can make profit trading Forex, it'd be a good idea to defineprecisely what we are talking about...

You probably have already made exchanges between several currencies. I, forexample, have often loaded a debit card in US dollars to withdraw at the ATM inEuros. And each time, the final amount I am able to withdraw depends on thevalue of the Euro compared to the US Dollar. 100 USD may not be worth the sameamount in Euros today and tomorrow...
Well the Forex market is exactly about this: the value of one currency againstan other... You buy or sell a currency depending on the value you expect it tohave compared to an other currency. These are called currency pairs.

QUOTE Definition: The foreignexchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency istraded for another. It is by far the largest financial market in the world, andincludes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators,multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets andinstitutions. The average daily trade in the global forex and related marketscurrently is over US$ 3 trillion.

Important: Manual forex trading is a difficult activity. During your learningperiod, ALWAYS trade on a demo account (where no real money is at stake). Andif you do not feel confident enough, or if you do not have the time to tradeseriously, have a look at the auto trading thread for some tools that do notrequire you to trade by yourself.

good opportunity and i like it,


Yes, it is a very wise advice to always try a company out with its demo first. Demo accounts enable you to attest to the practical ingenuity of the platform first of all, testing whether your connection to the real market is hitch free. You could also get to check out the price quotes and price feeds you receive and how they tally with those of the real market. Many companies could promise many packages they don't really honor so the best way to test the originality of their customer packages is on demos before you enter live accounts.


When choosing a broker it is important to choose wisely. I do have an account with profiforex and they are regulated broker. With profiforex you can open a micro account for a minimum of $1. And they well known for transparency.