myfxpedia : Daily Signals and Strategies



I post a new daily signal and strategy thread to share my experience with everyone. This thread will be updated daily 2 hours prior London open.

Thank you and as always

Happy Trading,

06 Dec 2012 Daily review by

Instead of recapping of what going on around the financial markets, today let us talk about our Trade Management as It has brought to our attention that some of the members are curious in regarding to the way we manage our trades.

First and foremost we are Professional Traders, we trade for a living and above all we don’t dream of hitting Jackpot overnight or getting rich in a short period of times. It’s impossible for that to ever happen to anyone that claim as Trader., believe me, it’s a long winding ro

As Traders, we at myfxpedia are strictly adhered to our Risk Control as we understand to have a successful business we must therefore have a sound Risk Management. With that in mind, we so far has never risk more than 5% of our Trading Capitals, for the records, our Draw Down, up to now has never exceeding 3% even when we hold more than 5 positions at any one time. Normally, we try to have only 4 trades open at any one time, beyond that, it’s just too intensive to manage. But, sometimes our Pending orders got triggered and thus we have more than the desire number of open trades. As soon as we have more than 4 open positions we will immediately assessing the situations and scaling back on our holdings to bring it back to a manageable numbers as we do not want to have ourselves ballooning our Risk parameter. Sometimes, it meant we have to close the positions and took profit a tad too early, so be it

Here at myfxpedia, we are being realistic and only aiming for a return of + 3% of profit per month, that equate to over 36% per year. That let me assure you, no banks or financial institutions would give you that kind of return, especially during this calamity of financial debt being built up around the world. With aiming of 3% plus per month we have so far achieve that target consistently over the last 5 months since we go public and have our records verified.

So, if you follow our signals and happy with 3% plus profit per month then don’t feel bad if we don’t milk all the pips that we supposed to have got. In hindsight, it was not a good decision to have close a winning position too early but then who would say that it won’t turn and go against us. Remember, we can’t control price movement, the only thing that we can take control of is our Money Management and ultimateCapital Preservation with sound Risk Control, culminate with well thought out trading plan is the only way to stay in business, especially, when you trade for a living.

As a Professional Trader, we trade with the notion of: No Greed, No fear.

Impact News today:

03:15 am (NY) CHF – CP
07:00 am (NY) GBP – Asset Purchase Facility; Official Bank Rat
07:45 am (NY) EUR – Minimum Bid Rat
08:30 am (NY) CAD – Building Permit
08:50 am (NY) ECB Press Conference
08:50 am (NY) USD – Unemployment Claim
10:00 am (NY) CAD – PM
07:30 pm (NY) AUD – Trade Balance

Trading Positions:

Yesterday, during the NY session, at one point we were holding 7 opens positions. We then immediately did our best to scaling down the numbers of open positions. We finally closed 4 positions with 1 position AUDNZD which now looked as though it was a bad decision to bank profit too early. The reason, aside from our explanation above, was the fact that NZD will have a high impact news to be released and since we are no “news” trader we chose to bank our profit and stand on the sidelin

Below is the chart of AUDNZD – H4 for which we banked our small profit. The decision arrived when prices were at major uptrend line support and high impact news pending. We exited

The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


this is good for improve the performance.


Monthly Summary ( click here to update online ):

Number of Trades: 23
Winning Trades: 18
Losing Trades: 5
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,194.1


Yesterday Pip Gain/Loss: +454.9

16 Jan 2012 Daily review by

There isn’t much news early in the week this week beside of what we already aware of. What interesting on the fundamental ground is that the US is facing with a probable of defaulting its debt repayment if the debt ceiling isn’t raise over the coming 4 weeks or so as Geithner had advise the President Obama that they are running on empty tank and possibly will stop dead in the middle of February if the issue of raising debt ceiling is not resolved. On the other side of politics, the Republicans are playing hard head with many of majority of Republicans publicly saying that they will let the country go into default if the Democrats not agreeing to cut Government spending. Oh well, market storm ahead folk

Also, The other day we have ECB President Draghi projecting an upbeat tone on the Euro Zone and that send the Euro roaring to the upside – Fact is, we don’t know what he has for breakfast that day to actually believing that the Euro will soon see light at end of tunnel. Anyway, Yesterday we have the European Union President Juncker came out saying that EURO exchange rate is dangerously high – which in our view is true to the core – what is best for the Euro is to have a lower Euro so that they can attract investors which in turn will give their ailing economy a boost. And with that statement of President Juncker immediately send the Euro lower. Oh well, Draghi (Druggy) was probably on drug and feeling high and therefore higher Euro while Juncker (Junky) love to spend every cents and therefore sending Euro to junk. Jok

Impact News today:

08:30 am (NY) USD – Core CP
07:30 pm (NY) AUD – Employment Change; Unemployment Rate

Trading Positions:

We are now in mid month of January and so far most of our trades turn fruitful, with another 2 weeks to go our aim is to this as a record month in pips gain. Our record currently stands at 1400 pips for the month of October and we are currently only another 200 pips short to take out that record.

Below are the charts of EURJPY on Daily, H4 and H1. You can also view the Weekly chart that we posted last Monday.

EURJPY – Daily



The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


Monthly Summary ( click here to update online ):

Number of Trades: 25
Winning Trades: 20
Losing Trades: 5
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,306.5


Yesterday Pip Gain/Loss: +112.4

17 Jan 2012 Daily review by

There wasn’t much movement yesterday in the FX market, most of the majors are trading in range as there were lack of news from Europe as well as US

Today let take a look at what we call Commodity currency, AUD, and the health of the Australian economy that in our view is slowly in dire and thus a possible of Interest Rate cut coming our way in early February.

The last 2 weeks of news coming out of Australia isn’t at all rosy and early in the Asian session today the Employment rate was down, much worse than expected and that was evident on Chart as prices being knocked down about 50 pips as soon as news hit the market. Add on to that, a major Manufacture and construction company, Boral came out announcing of shredding 700 jobs as well as closing most of its plants in Sydney. Furthermore, the Retails and Manufacturing Association President came out saying: 2013 could be the year to make or break of the Australian Manufacture in Australia as higher AUD put lots of pressure on competitiveness of Australians goods. These news surely will wake up the Aussie politicians, especially, the Treasurer Wayne Swan who we think still have his head in the sand or stuck between his buttock

If we look at the AUDUSD chart, over the past few sessions it has been trading in tight range, in short term we do not see it will change direction substantially but over the coming week, on the 23rd January when the Inflation number coming out we probably will see the big smart money start to pouring in. In our current view it’s going to head south

Impact News today:

08:30 am (NY) USD – Building Permits; Unemployment Claim
10:00 am (NY) USD – Philly Fed Manufacturing Inde
04:45 pm (NY) NZD – CP
09:00 pm (NY) CNY - GDP

Trading Positions:

We have amended our pending order on EURJPY. We move it to Pending sell @ 119.16 instead of 118.35 as We want to be in position with the optimum probability since the pair is still in a strong trend and what we are looking for is the short term correction. So what we are watching is for Price to retraced and retest of the short term uptrend line and if we draw a short term downtrend line on H4, it happens that our current pending sell order is at about the intersection of 2 trend lines. Yes, Prices could even push higher to challenge the last high or even go a bit higher to actually created Negative Divergences before heading for a deeper correction.

Also, in so far over the last 2 weeks with handsome profits we just have to be selective with our trades and hold on to our wins as best as we can and therefore being conservative and selective on our orders is prudent. See chart below.


The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


Monthly Summary ( click here to update online ):

Number of Trades: 25
Winning Trades: 20
Losing Trades: 5
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,306.5

18 Jan 2012 Daily review by

The Bullish and upbeat market in the first month of the year is astonishing. The rise of the S&P yesterday has put on a new high that has not been seen in the last 5 years. The Bull surely has come roaring in folks. People are now talking about stocks, investing and many major outlets, medias are painting a very rosy pictures for 2013. You know what? That’s the first to get very worry about your investment. Remember, the medias are just reporting the views of these so call “guru” that belongs to the big institutions and these big players are often than not always have their hidden agend

Don’t get us wrong, we are not saying that the market is going to collapse overnight, not yet anyway. The way we see it is over the next 3 to 4 months many investors will be caught naked with a nasty surprise. Yes, maybe we are being too sceptical but we game enough to make that bold call . Through our experiences of many years in the markets we have seen this similarity of behaviour before so we just have to be cautious and trade wisely. Currently, we are at the turn at the market where majority of people has been holding tight to their wallets over the year and now seeing the sign of optimism many people would open their wallet to have a punt in the markets. Being saying that we noticed the bull or at least a mini bull is stepping up for a fight and no, we do not know or can tell you the exact date as when the bear will come out to wrestle this mini bull. So, just don’t go and short the market or banking on the rise of the USD as often majorities would seek for safe haven currency in time of turmoil. Remember this: Markets sometimes, behave much more irrational than your deep pocket can bea

Yesterday, after the Japan’s economy minister came out making a statements that the Yen is still under correcting from being extremely overvalue for some years and that the priority of the current Japanese Government is to make an end to Strong Yen and deflation as its top priority. This has bolster the Yen once again and EURJPY has now cracked the 120.00 barrier; Bugger that. Anyway, we have been caught with our pending sell order that took us in yesterday and since next Tuesday the BOJ meeting and work on their 101 trillion Yen asset purchase programs and if the market smell and sign of the go ahead they will send the pair skyrocketing to 138.00, back to the high of 2008, 2019,2010

So, since we have been caught short what we are going to do now is to scale down our stop and accepting the loss and will see what happens next week.

Impact News today:

04:30 am (NY) GBP – Retail Sale
09:55 am (NY) USD – Consumer sentiment

Trading Positions:

Ok, As said above you will see from the chart I will use H1 to scale down our stop as this trade is now in our view does not given us a high probability so we will scale down our stop using the High of H1 and as long as lower high is formed we will keep lowering our stop until taken out and accept the loss on this trade.


The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


Monthly Summary ( click here to update online ):

Number of Trades: 27
Winning Trades: 21
Losing Trades: 6
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,203.8


Yesterday Pip Gain/Loss: +9.7

21 Jan 2012 Daily review by

There isn’t much of impact news for today due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Public holiday in the US there do not expect much of prices movement throughout the NY trading session. Market might look forward to other leads from the Euro zone and listen out for any nasty surprise comes out of the Euro Group Meeting today

The news that will probably attract lots of attention will be tomorrow Asian trading session during/after the meeting of the BOJ with the Monetary Policy Statement and the Overnight Call Rate and the Press Conference regarding their forward steps of QE for which the Japan Government has pledge to weaken the Yen and raise inflation in order to boost Japan economy. So, expect wide swing on the Yen pairs tomorrow – it could go either way

Now, let talk about the Euro for a minute. Personally we do think the Euro is currently being over-value and as we mentioned last week on the 16 January, that for the European economy to actually picking up and attracting outside investors and for global competition on goods exporting the Euro has to be lower to actually kick start its economy and we can comfortable says that deep down Germany would not like to see high Euro because that would certainly dent its global goods competitions. So, in saying that we would not look to go long the Euro at current prices and will only look for short opportunity on any push higher toward 1.35. As far as we can see, around the area of 1.334 to 1.37 or even 1.38 would be the Terminal Zone for the Euro. So our strategy is to accumulate shorts positions on the Euro with small lots sizes and wide stop but stay within our Risk Parameter in case Shit hit Fans with news like: Greece no longer need Bailout Funds (which is unlikely) or Spain just dig up a mountain of Gold. For whatever the reason, we just have to prepare ourselves for the worst case scenario and make sure not to let a bad trade clean out our Trading account.

Ok, over to the US, as we get closer to the end of January and going into February, the debate between Republican and Democrats will start to hit up once again regarding the raise of the Debt Ceiling so that Government can pay bills. Tim Geithner two weeks ago advised President Obama that Government coffer will run empty by mid February if the debt ceiling isn’t raise. Yet on the other side we have the Republican playing hard ball and even some of them voicing out that if the President not willing to cut them some slacks they will rather see the country going into default. Well, we have seen the American Pollies at work before....they will keep kicking the can down the road to a point they can kick no further before any decision would be reach. So looking forward to the next 3 to 4 weeks we would have plenty of volatilities in the markets folks

Impact News today:

All Day – EUR - Euro group Meetin

Trading Positions:

Let runs a recap on EURJPY for which we entered last Thursday and the trade went against us, technically and also came fundamentally, as Japan minister keep coming out reiterated that they are serious about devalue the Yen and with BOJ meeting schedule to meeting on Monday Night (NY session) we do not feel comfortable to hold on to the trade and so what we did as explained from previous update. We scale down our stops and from 157 pips in negative we have manage to get out with only about -40 pips. Anyway, that trade if we hold on it could turn out a winner but we rather exit the trade with small loss than stay in a trade that we do not feel comfortable with. Part of trading is to follow your instinct even if it turn out to be wrong but rest assure, you will sleep better.

We are currently in 3 trades: Shorts EURUSD, EURGBP and Long GBPNZD.

Below are charts of EURGBP that we entered on being extreme on Daily and overbought on H4, plus Negative Divergence on H4.



The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


Monthly Summary

Number of Trades: 28
Winning Trades: 22
Losing Trades: 6
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,221.2


Yesterday Pip Gain/Loss: +17.4

22 Jan 2012 Daily review by

Well there wasn’t much news yesterday to mention about and so most of the major currencies are ranging except for the Pound which face a downward pressure and fell , currently, only about 80 pips await from a stiff support. The falls has been excessive and oversold, at least in the short space of time. We think the pair is showing sign of bottoming out and ready for a retrace to the upside and then resuming its downtrend, at least, retesting the support (1.5750 there about) for confirmation of the Support. Notes: Since we had a breakout to the upside of 1.5750 level back in August 2012. That level since then has never been tested and so this time round this could be its first test

On the fundamental fronts, with the heavy snows in the UK, many of the analysts, medias, suggesting this dampen weather could put the UK into a so called Triple – Dip Recession and so maybe that has actually put further pressure on the Pound. In Japan, the BOJ continuing its 2 days meeting and so the news could be at any moment. If the news is not what the market expected we probably see the start of the correction on the Yen. Look out folks

Impact News today:

05:00 am (NY) EUR – German Economic Sentimen
08:30 am (NY) CAD – Core Retail Sale
10:00 am (NY) USD – Existing Home Sale
01:00 pm (NY) EUR – ECB President Speak
07:30 pm (NY) AUD – CPI

Trading Positions:

Yesterday we exited our short position on EURGBP due to momentum change in H1. We decided to exit the trade for a tiny profit, we are now putting on another pending sell order using chart analysis of H4 and H1. Below are the charts of H4 and H1.



The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


Monthly Summary ( click here to update online ):

Number of Trades: 27
Winning Trades: 21
Losing Trades: 6
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,267.7


24 Jan 2012 Daily review by

The FX, particularly the risk currencies, has been trading what we called a non-directional behaviour. If we look closely we will see that traders are being cautious with the currency market. As from early January the Equities market has put on a stellar performance with fresh money coming into the market and yet the risk currencies don’t behave in tandem as they used to be. This kind of inverse relationship telling us that the correction or substantial pullback from the Equities market will soon happen and when that happen we will see the risk currencies like AUD, NZD, EUR will move lower as traders will seek for safe haven like USD and JPY

As mentioned in yesterday update, we do think that the so called currency war has start with Central Banks trying to lower their currencies in order to boost their economies. We have the US keeps its printing machines running and Japan will also follow by January 2014 with unlimited QE, while smaller nation such as Czech Republic Central Bank, last week indicated that it would target a lower currency and the Swedish finance Minister want to see a weaker Krona. We also heard from the Euro Group Finance Minister, Juncker saying that the Euro is “dangerously high”. An indication of wanting to see the Euro lower in order to ease the growing recession in Europe. So, do not surprise to see the ECB coming out with any other means to curb the rise of the Euro. We believe that will be the case and will happen sooner rather than later, unless they rather stand idly on the sideline watching the Japanese slowly knock out their industry with cheap importing goods into Europe and do nothing. They surely will have to counteract with other Central Banks around the World to survive and so: Let the Currency War Begin

Impact News today:

03:30 am (NY) EUR – German Manufacturing PM
08:30 am (NY) USD – Unemployment Claims

Trading Positions:

We still holding the pairs that we mentioned yesterday and today we would like to analyse on the GBPNZD pairs. This pair has been in a serious downtrend of late. The last 4 weeks has seen the pair shredding off over 1000 pips and has now entered into what we called Terminal Zone where stiff support of July 2011 and February 2012 low. Charts Below:

GBPNZD – Weekl



The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite


Monthly Summary ( click here to update online ):

Number of Trades: 28
Winning Trades: 22
Losing Trades: 6
Total Pip Gain/Loss: +1,321.3


Yesterday Pip Gain/Loss: +53.6

25 Jan 2012 Daily review by

Like we said from yesterday update, what we are seeing now is the inverse relation between the Equities market and the Risk currencies. Usually when we have run on the Equities market the risk currency: AUD, NZD, EURO...etc will also push higher. This wasn’t the case of late and yesterday the Dow Jones crossing the 15000 mark for the first time since 2007 and yet the risk currencies are still trading in tight range

What we observe from the technical perspective is that the Equities market are overbought and hype and that will soon be corrected and when we have the Equities market corrected we will probably see further bearish momentum on many of the risk currencies. From recent data release they are much seems rosy globally with China manufacturing is expanding at the fastest rate in 24 months and from the German Sentiment and Manufacturing PMI also improves and Yet the AUD which usually link to China activities wasn’t in a bullish mode at all, as a matter of fact, after a spike up of around 45 pips it soon gave it all back plus interest

Interesting time ahead as February approach and if the market decided to have a little correction now then the risk currencies will have further to fall and if you are playing with the crosses instead of the majors then go Long with the country that has bigger economy.

In regarding to the Euro, once again 1.3400 proves to be a tough resistance yet, it won’t be a surprise see it pushes higher taking out all the Shorts at current level before heading back down, so, a break of 1.3400 level could sprint to another 50 to 100 pips to clear out all stops of people that went shorts, so, be careful not to fall victims of stop hunts by the big boys

Impact News today:

04:00 am (NY) EUR – German Business Climat
04:30 am (NY) GBP – Prelim GD
08:30 am (NY) CAD – Core CP
10:00 am (NY) USD – New Home Sales

Trading Positions:

We exited 1 of our last entry GBPNZD for a small gains and put another 2 pending Buy orders. Base on H4 we are currently being overbought and a pullback to either retest previous low or even push a bit lower and create a bullish Divergence on H4 before making a retrace to the upside. See chart below.


The information and opinions in this report are for general information use only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any currency or CFD contract. All opinions and information contained in this report are subject to change without notice. This report has been prepared without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs of any particular recipient. Any references to historical price movements or levels is informational based on author’s analysis and we do not represent or warranty that any such movements or levels are likely to reoccur in the future. While the information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, author does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness, nor does author assume any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Foreign Exchange and other leveraged products involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Increasing leverage increases risk. Before deciding to trade forex, you should carefully consider your financial objectives, level of experience and risk appetite