Have you been despaired? - page 2


Yes, I agree... its good to evaluate the trading..

Yes, I agree... its good to evaluate the trading..

Make valuation will make our trading be better and be more profitable. And that's why we don't give up when facing a problem, because of there is a solution for every problem . Hopefully, i can make my trading with fbs be profitable because i make evalution.


What is your experience with fbs? I need to choose a broker and cant make up...

What is your experience with fbs? I need to choose a broker and cant make up...

FBS makes me comfort in trading. With this broker i can feel trade without reqoute. I also can do scalping. And we can insure our fund with breakeven trading. May be for more details you can check in FBS Markets Inc.


Hi every one, let's share here what the reason which make you despaired when trading with your broker.


You should never be despaired in forex since you must know how to control risks. otherwise it's way too dangerous. I had realized this in my first year of trading, many reasons will lead to losses, poor broker, less experience, no expertise... anyway, if only you have confidence, you will overcome all the difficulties.


Don't despair, i'm sure every problem have solutions. Evaluate your trading, so that we can know what to fix. And don't forget to keep learning and trying. Good luck.


I think it is very important never give up. If you understand the market and it's rules you won't be despaired.

I think it is very important never give up. If you understand the market and it's rules you won't be despaired.

We must have a strong mentality if we select our trading as a business. Because to be successful in this business required a lot of effort and many obstacles can we face. When we fail never stop trying.