Your Strategy??


Guys, i really wanted to know what is the best strategy we can build up to make money in Forex. What do you think is required to be successful in this market. Anyone do know about it please share as we can also benefit from it. I actually refer to Technical & Fundamental Analysis to trade Forex and i quite helping me!!


One trading strategy can not work for all traders because each trader have their own trading requirements. I follow simple trading rules means using stoploss, updates myself with latest market news etc.

One trading strategy can not work for all traders because each trader have their own trading requirements. I follow simple trading rules means using stoploss, updates myself with latest market news etc.

Thanks mate for sharing your view about building a strategy. It is indeed true and there are traders who prefer using their own strategies instead of copying someone else. However, the common thing we will surely share is learning Forex and understanding the Forex market well


A trader should has good trading knowledge, good command over risk and money management. Following expert's suggestion is also good idea.

A trader should has good trading knowledge, good command over risk and money management. Following expert's suggestion is also good idea.

This is some very vital factors that a trader should always consider in the Forex Industry. For me i think that money management is a very important factor that we need to consider. Thanks

Money management does sound like solid advice. It seems that money management is often forgotten when individuals are trading. Is there a percentage of income anyone recommends?

Ya we often find people forget money management when they trade and that maybe due to stress or bad trades but we have to focus and use it well in order to become successful. However, i have not clearly understand you question abojut the % income??


Unfortunately there's no any 'best trading strategy' (usually referred as Holy Grail), otherwise everyone would follow it.

Every trader has to decide what strategy suits him the best depending on it's pros and cons.


Well thanks for your suggestion. Seems that you are quite dependant on your own strategy and really do not want to follow someone else strategy. Thinks you prefer keep your own method. Its good but i still need further learning. Am already trading but still i think i need more advice and i will go and search for it. Anyway thanks a lot


I always invest in gold and silver because both are best way to invest your money without any tensions. So this is my stock market strategy.


Seems that you are more on commodities rather than FX majors. It good that you have develop your strategies as this is the way you will become successful. Atleast you are trading something that you are at ease with. Good luck


Included in these strategies should be hedging, which is vital.