Demo is is very essential for the begginers - page 6


Demo account is the best strategy for the newbie to get an idea about how trading is done.


Demo account is a account for learn are trading. For a newbie, this account is suitable for use as practice before start trading with real account. here we can make trading strategy, before applying it on real account.

Demo account is a account for learn are trading. For a newbie, this account is suitable for use as practice before start trading with real account. here we can make trading strategy, before applying it on real account.

Let's be honest, it really isn't. When you have 65.01% of traders in the US being unprofitable, you're not vetting out talent very well. It may be worse outside of the US. I almost don't want to take on new traders until they can prove that they can be profitable in a demo for 3 months.

Some brokers may make money on losing traders, but I will LOSE money on them. I don't operate a selective casino like others do.

The status quo with demo environments is embarrassing.

Demos are just used as a lead hook and introduction to the trading software, that's all. Below is the reality of the demo experience.

"You like our trading software! Great! Well, you have another 25 days left in your demo and then you need to deposit, but we have a special offer for you! You can receive 25% cash back and a signal provider for depositing $XXXX now! Don't miss out because this deal only lasts for 72 hours."

Of course you're going to have losing traders with that approach. It's like trying to sell a car to a 16 year old after they drove a car for the first time in a parking lot. What do you think is going to happen?


I think who direct goes to real trading is a foolish.Before trade real demo is essential because it helps you to achieve a good skill.

Douglas S. Myers:
I think who direct goes to real trading is a foolish.Before trade real demo is essential because it helps you to achieve a good skill.

I agree with you. Very unfortunate if there are traders who do not use a demo account. Forex risk was very high. By learning in a demo account, we can minimize the risk. And we also can hone our trading skills.

I agree with you. Very unfortunate if there are traders who do not use a demo account. Forex risk was very high. By learning in a demo account, we can minimize the risk. And we also can hone our trading skills.

I agree with both of you, demo is essential. In fact there is not the right adjective right now to qualify the importance.

I agree with both of you, demo is essential. In fact there is not the right adjective right now to qualify the importance.

Let's all pat ourselves on the back because we all think demo environments are wonderful and sing kumbaya as we watch retail traders continue to lose money.

Take the role of a broker for a second, would you accept a $5,000 deposit from a trader you have never vetted out?

Now the correct answers are:

If you run a strict A-Book, it should be absolutely not.

If you have a B-Book, it should be come on down - maybe I have hooked a sucker!

There are five reasons why traders fail and these same five reasons are why the industry is not only in disrepute, but it will eventually become ILLEGAL to trade Forex in more countries. Why? Retail traders losing money and currency fears.

Y'all can go back to parroting the same nonsense. Subprime retail traders are killing this industry and it is a very preventable problem, but brokers cannot say 'no'.

The demo account is very beneficial for a trader, because we can practice without any risk. And an experienced trader also use a demo account to test strategies.

Unfortunately, many people like me will not agree with you. Yes, Demo is important, but it is not very beneficial. The only benefit demo is that it helps you operate the MT4 platform.


As per me demo account is best in all respects whether to test strategy, practice for newbie and trading platform as well.

Unfortunately, many people like me will not agree with you. Yes, Demo is important, but it is not very beneficial. The only benefit demo is that it helps you operate the MT4 platform.

why? if you want to say that the demo account is very not helpful? For me, demo account trading was very useful for us. Because the demo account, we can learn the basics of trading. Try to imagine if you do not use a demo account first, how your trading results? as we know, forex is a high risk business. Without training, hard to get trading we are advanced.