"Trading the Globe"


This CNBC video on "Trading the Globe" emerging markets is super interesting. I don't follow emerging market stocks but am interested in the emerging real estate markets of Brazil and the Philippines.

Trading The Globe: Emerging Markets Plays - CNBC


Unfortunately, even emerging markets are now influenced by EU crisis. China's economy is slowing which can be very dangerous for all the BRICS countries.

BTW, great video, thanks!


I am a forex trader and not interested in emerging market but video is good. Thanks to share it with us.


The graphic depicts the balance sheets of the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. What will surprise many is that the Fed's balance sheet has shrunk for nearly a year and, as a percentage of GDP, its balance sheet is not as large as the other major countries.

In any event, it is reasonable to expect the balance sheets of these major central banks to expand in the months ahead.

What are your expectations, what do you think?

Read the whole article:

Marc to Market: Great Graphic: Central Bank Balance Sheets


Thanks for shared this video that’s good for us. I do not believe any emerging market because it’s some time give profit and some time big loss it’s so danger.


i've watched the CNBC video too ... quite knowledgeable to get an overview about emerging market stocks to which I'm interested...


emerging markets are risky no doubt... but maximum opportunities too arise right from there... what do you say about..