Demo Trading Contests & your experience - page 2

I have been participating on hotforex's demo contest recently but I had not time to be a hardcore participant any way so I did not win but it was a nice experience though !

Demo accounts surely helps you, to get a real feel of forex trading, tho its a bit different with live, if the broker is good and offers prizes with demo then its real, I used my hotforex demo for months before going live, but honestly never tried the contest, but some broker offer monitary prized

By the way how much are you going to received if you win the contest and how much did u invested.

Hi there, I would like to ask you about your experience with demo trading contests. Has anybody won prizes like Ipads, Macbooks or similar ? is it real? Please give me your feedback. I would like to take part in one contest and before I go down with that I would like to listen to others. Thx in advance. Hannah

participated in many contests but never won ))

participated in many contests but never won ))

Yeah, me too, sir. But i will participate in the next contest, because FBS, my broker hold contest regularly. Keep spirit up, sir.

Yeah, me too, sir. But i will participate in the next contest, because FBS, my broker hold contest regularly. Keep spirit up, sir.

As i know, demo contest from fbs is one of exciting contests, because many traders participate in this contest, right?

kaito kid:
You are right, bro. demo contest form fbs is the most exciting demo contest, because the participants always more than one thousands traders from around the world, do you participate in fbs demo contest in this period ?

Yeah sir, i participate in fbs demo contest this period, but it's so difficult to be in the first position..

kaito kid:
This demo contest will be ended in October 26, where's your position ? hopefully you will get the best result for your account in the last time of this period.

Yeah, sir. And there are 3 days left for 999 FBS demo contest..

Indonesian trader have to try more harder if they wanna be the winners of 999 demo contest.


I take part in 999 demo contets from fbs, and in this contest, i get many trading experience and valuable lessons. Although i haven't been able to win in this contest, but it's not a problem for me.


I always try to take part in demo contest from my broker, fbs... But I've never won..


In my opinion, demo contest is exciting contest. Because there are many traders who have good skills in this constest, like 999 demo contest from FBS. And i never won demo contest so far.

In my opinion, demo contest is exciting contest. Because there are many traders who have good skills in this constest, like 999 demo contest from FBS. And i never won demo contest so far.

Demo contest, like 999 demo contest and other is exciting contest and it's a tight competition, so if we wanna win this contest, we have to try harder and do the best..