Tip of the day


Hi guys

The idea to start this thread is that we share ideas of trading and help each other with their trade suggestions.

Would be looking to see this thread with lots of comments.


It is a good idea to start such thread. I think experienced traders will share their tips on various topics such as how to choose a good forex broker, best trading tips, trading time frame, best currency to trade etc.


Paul ,

You are right that experienced traders should be giving tips and education to people who are new to the markets - and yes you are right choosing a Brokerage firm is a kind of help to the people so their funds should be secured.

I don't have any idea about other jurisdiction but I am trading with a FSA regulated firm fxdialogue and I am quite happy with them - I have worked with more than 25 brokerage firms in my 5 years of trading forex and commodities , I feel them the best one to work with.

Let's discuss which brokers we trade and their pros and cons. But my main objective to start this thread was to trade technically and lets share trading ideas.



You have 5 years of trading experience and you already tested 25 brokers. So, please share the list of those brokers with pros and cons of them.


I have traded with many Market Makers , and ECN brokers - Market Makers have a problem when clients are loosing they are very happy but when client start making money they start shouting at the Introducer and I give you a real example.

I was working with one of the leading broker in UK and they was growing very well - One day his senior dealer and one of its director came to me and said "your clients are making money and we are loosing , ask them to loose or make a strategy so they should loose" hahaha

I said him change your risk management policy instead of asking them to loose. He is quite senior dealer and have years of experience , I wont name the broker or the dealer because 50% of the people in the forum might be known to him because that broker is very much grown up now with a lot of clients.

This might be looking as a joke but believe me its a real story and I have a written proof for that but I apologies I won't show.

This doesn't mean that I lost confidence into forex but I lost confidence in that broker whom I introduced more then million dollars - I switched them.

Now I am working with an STP broker called fxdialogue and I am quite happy with them , I am an Introducing broker and research provider - I have many clients with them and they are quite good and they are making money but I didn't had any issue.

Name the broker and I will tell you the details I won't share any thing with proofs otherwise they will sue me because in every e mail there is a disclaimer that this e mail is only for the recipient.


It is really very interesting to know that broker work against their own traders even famous broker as well.

Please share your experience about oanda, AVAFX and etoro brokers.


Etoro that runs where forex prices moves on Sunday's and this is what I experienced in 2008.

I havent checked Avafx - but do you want me to check it? I am happy with my current broker fxdialogue and its STP and don't want to go for any other yet because I am getting free forex classes from there and I am quite happy with them.


It is good that you are happy with your current broker fxdialogue. If you are satisfied with their services then don't move on any other broker.


I think you can gain a lot from the free webinars and other strategy ideas that some of the brokers provide. a few that come to mind are fxcm thru dailyfx.com, pfgbest.com and mirus futures. all of these have archived webinars with ideas on strategy, money management etc.

as for my personal strategy - i have been having some success using pivot points to indicate support resistance for short-term trades.


Hi mohsinqureshii

what about exness.com? i was work with them but now i have lost confidence on them coz one day i loose much money and finally i start again my 9 dollar or some thing like this and take this to 50 dollars.

my trading where open but suddenly my tradings closed in some loss and my account balance goes to zero.i checked history and there was a BONUST WITHDRAWAL

i contacted the exness help and and they told me that first my open positions get closed by loss then they withdraw the bonus. but its not possible when my all money gone then how can they withdraw 40 dollar bonus.i replied them that how you can withdrawl bonus when my trades are open and in some loss.

they told me that they need my passport to answer my questions.

when i was loosing my money they dont need my passport and when i was going to earn they colsed my open trades when i ask reason then need my passoport ..what a dirty people they are.

please share experience about them.

thank you all.