Automated trading system


Which is the best trading system? Automated or manual trading system. How to separate the trading reports manual from automated system?


Different people having the different tactics on the follow in trade. The auto and the manual included on the trade having different variance. So, whether the reports on using various tactics are differed? And rate which is best idea to trade!!


Automated trading is good option for those traders, who don't have much time to sit in front of PC and analysis market trends besides it new trader can go for it. I prefer to manual trading.


true true - I am one example of this type of traders. if you do not have enough time to allocate simply follow couple of signals on zulutrade and get as much as you are willing to invest. manual trading can be more profitable in volume, but one needs to be a professional and have a lot of time to allocate in order to buid a professional trading system/s.


Both manual and automated system are a peace of software. Quality of system depends on person who developed the result of trading by the system and it depends on the user how much he follows the system. Any good system may be profitable if he keeps himself out of emotions and hope.

Automated trading is good option for those traders, who don't have much time to sit in front of PC and analysis market trends besides it new trader can go for it. I prefer to manual trading.

Yeah right,

I'm also looking to take manual trading trend... But, need some time to learn how to trade and tricks to handle the trade. This forum is well enough to guide me to get into the trade...

Yeah right, I'm also looking to take manual trading trend... But, need some time to learn how to trade and tricks to handle the trade. This forum is well enough to guide me to get into the trade...

Hi Emery, it is really good forum to learn more and more about forex trading. There are many experienced member who assist to new member.


hey there Paul,

are you trading manually or you following signals?


yes i also prefer automated trading as i can view the results from anywhere that has an internet connection, especially on my aneroid device after i started using the technical analysis tool of dynamiclevels and more over what i feel is that the device from where you are trading whether its your laptop or your smart phone , it runs those rules through your trading software, which looks for trades that adhere to your rules

yes i also prefer automated trading as i can view the results from anywhere that has an internet connection, especially on my aneroid device after i started using the technical analysis tool of dynamiclevels and more over what i feel is that the device from where you are trading whether its your laptop or your smart phone , it runs those rules through your trading software, which looks for trades that adhere to your rules

how exactly are you trading? manual EAs or copying signals?


Automated trading systems allow traders to put specific settings by means of which trading can be executed automatically via a computer.

I would like to say that automated trading is risky because no one EA can predict the market movement.