Log file being truncated

In MT4, I used to be able to generate several GBs of log data (with the Print command), in order to check the values of variables and make sure my rules are correct using the "every tick" method.  In MT5, the backtester generates incomplete truncated logs, even when using the "open prices only" method.  Why doesn't MT5 backtester generate complete log files anymore??  I've not been able to do sufficient testing on my solution.  Please let me know if you know why this is happening.  I would rather not be forced to output logs entries to a separate text file in order to debug my rules.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants - Documentation on MQL5

It's not quite true, but it's confusing. It tricked me for weeks. It makes two files, one is the tricky truncated one of the screen, the real one is somewhere else.

Real logs are here:

Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\BIG HEXADECIMAL NO\Agent....\logs

Fake logs are here:

Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\BIG HEXADECIMAL NO\tester\logs


It's not quite true, but it's confusing. It tricked me for weeks. It makes two files, one is the tricky truncated one of the screen, the real one is somewhere else.

Real logs are here:

Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\BIG HEXADECIMAL NO\Agent....\logs

Fake logs are here:

Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\BIG HEXADECIMAL NO\tester\logs

That's interesting, and confusing. I had not conceived of a fake log file!  I'm using Windows XP, and I found the real log file in C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\tester\Agent-\logs.

Thank you for helping me save a lot of time and avoid frustration with this!  I think MetaQuotes should change it back to the MT4 method, where you right-click in the Journal window, click "Open," and double click the real log file to open it. When you're done debugging that build of your EA, just right-click and choose "Clear" and it deletes the real file and starts fresh, instead of just clearing the journal window as in MT5.  This was a convenient tool in the previous version.