I'm a new member.. - page 3

uncle gober:
After losing our capital, we should do the evaluation, learning from our trading experience and learn from the mistakes that we have done so in the future, we can get maximum results.

Agree. Evaluating our trading experiences will always fixing our trading quality so that we can be better in the next trading.


Yeah...! with each loss we gain something very much valuable which is even more valuable then profit and that is experience.

Yeah...! with each loss we gain something very much valuable which is even more valuable then profit and that is experience.

Yes, considering the loses as our part of trading experiences, we can use it to evaluate ourselves to improve our trading quality.

Uncle Flintop:
For leading a secure and profitable trading life, we the traders have to choose in regulated trading brokers which guarantee their clients funds. That?s why, I have been using MXTrade regulated trading broker which always a wide range of trading technologies with security of funds with certainly. and they don?t restrict any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging.

Yes, we don't need to doubt the security of the broker since it's regulated.

every trader has their own way to understand something new and certainly has a different speed levels different from when live, and keep trading with ViproMarket, i have more experience for a good trade in trading forex

Agree, it depends on their trading system too. Some of the traders are still learning from their experiences.

uncle gober:
because we still treat forex as our business hence in daily trading activity we always monitoring the chart and we always update analysis although might only treat forex as part time business only, but maybe already many trader out there already treat forex as full time business and they enjoy with their business

Yes, and because we considering this seriously, we don't easily gambling on it since we're facing the risks that we can minimize it as well.


Before we do trading in real account, we must first learn trading in a demo account. Here we can learn the basics of trading. And also to test trading strategies


Try to trade first on demo, but the demo and real account there are big difference, so do not invest a lot of money of your first deposit


Before we do trading in real account, we must first learn trading in a demo account. Here we can learn the basics of trading. And also to test trading strategies