Who offer the best Economic Calendar?


What website has a good economic calendar? I usually trade on release of economic indicators. Anyone knows any eco calendar that provides a lot of information and is user-friendly?

What website has a good economic calendar? I usually trade on release of economic indicators. Anyone knows any eco calendar that provides a lot of information and is user-friendly?

You can get a decent economic calnder from this site.I think the most extensive calender is at dailyfx.com.

Most sites have only high priority news events that are the most watched.

Dailyfx has low,medium,and high priority news releases and you can filter them by date and by priority.

Because they show you so many news releases this in my opinion is the best calendar.

When I look at dailyfx calendar it tells me that traders and banks do not move markets...news reports move markets.

There are so many reports being released daily and so much market reaction movement to them that you can look at the time of the release and notice that at that time or shortly after a major trend started and assume that the news is the reason.Do it long enough you will know news is the cause.

So dailyfx with all their filters date and priority and explination or the news regarding past numbers,expected and actual.


Hi Ricky, you might want to check out the 4xPartner indicator


I like Forex Factory.


Each one of us have a different opinion, I think dailyfx.com is a best economic calendar for the business.


I like the FX Pulse v1.0 from forexeasysystems.com. It's free (regn required), compact and best of all the news result arrives before any other forex calendar indicator or app. If you instal it, the news times are in NY time - but there are clocks for all the regions (Sydney, Tokyo, London, UTC and NY) in 24h time format.


Usually i use several sources: ForexFactory, DailyFx, ForexPros - sometimes it happen that some event is present in one and absent in other - so i use several to be informed about all main news


ForexFactory The best


my personal opinion is that Forex Factory every once in a while leaves out some price moving reports on their calendar. While I haven't checked out the one on this site, I like the calendar on FXpros. com

It is customizable and you can select which countries you want report schedules for.

stevie likie

What website has a good economic calendar? I usually trade on release of economic indicators. Anyone knows any eco calendar that provides a lot of information and is user-friendly?

Yeah, there are many forex sites providing economic indicators. Like above said Dailyfx.com is a good site. And Profiforex.com also provides very good economic calendar. Wish my information helpful.


Babypips offer an economic calender and I prefer it. You can find it here: Forex Calendar: Economic Calendar for FX Trading News & Event Risk