removing window title strips script



once I downloaded a script from the official mql codebase site, the script that removed those title strips from chart windows in the terminal (the ones on the pic) to have more space. After hard drive crash I lost it and I don't remember the name, I think it was something like windowsCaptions, though I am not sure

For some strange reason, I cannot find it now, and I have searched for an hour or so.... Maybe someone has it or can point me to it? Thanks


it would be great to find that script !!


the current database does not include it MQL4 Code Base: scripts for MetaTrader 4


please help



I found your question while searching for the solution myself. I had to edit my script and add some lines to remove the title and buffer values.

To get rid of the buffer info you have to add a SetIndexLabel for each SetIndexBuffer in your script. Example:

SetIndexLabel(1, NULL);

Where "1" is replaced with each buffer number. The "NULL" sets no value to be displayed.

For the title you can use this:


I don't use this thread and only registered to answer your question so I won't be able to reply to any questions but I hope that's what you were looking for.


Hi, thanks, but you misunderstood - I was looking for removing the window part itself, that has "GBPNZD,M30" in white bold letters on the window title strip... for which you can drag the window. Not the small white letters INSIDE the chart.


I do not know about the script being discussed here but I just have a question. WHY would anyone want this done? I just never heard of such a thing and do not understand what the point is.

I do not know about the script being discussed here but I just have a question. WHY would anyone want this done? I just never heard of such a thing and do not understand what the point is.

Cause if you tile four, let alone six charts within MT window, more than 10% of the whole thing will be occupied by the totally unneeded windows titles areas. The bloody windows borders will take more space than the small windows.


Since I only trade G/J on a few time frames I don't have that problem!


Well, here we go - ModChartWindow is an indie, NoTitleBar is a script. Throw it again on the chart to remove its action.


I have used MT5.

Is there for MT5,too ?