Frankfurt Stock Exchange


FSE new listing requirements and how to meet them for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The new regulations as of February 14th 2011 that have become effective ...for the completion of the new conditions in the "First Quotation Board" announced by Deutsche Börse.

Untill the 30th of September 2011 every company listed (currently listed and in future) in the open market has to verify the completion of the new conditions.

If the currently listed companies don't achieve the conditions upon this date (and send the requested documents) , Börse will delist the companies with effect of 15th of November2011.

In case, you'll decide to do it with a prospectus and need a recommendation for an attorney to do it, pls. let us know a.s.a.p. there are actual limited capacities and the time to get it done is not comfortable anyway.

If you are a European Holdings firm, we have registered Auditors and CPAs on staff who can verify and confirm your shareholder equity.

Please let us know, how you decide (doing prospectus or confirmation of a CPA on a Minimum 500k EUR equity capital, with 0,1EUR per share each).

About Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings:

FSE Listings Inc can supply full service listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange including incorporation of a holding company, supply of a UK auditor for shareholder equity confirmation, a registrar/transfer agent, market maker/designated sponsor, all required documentation and due diligence, including fees to the Frankfurt stock exchange. Meet the requirements, list in 3-6 weeks.

If you have any questions about the process, feel free to contact “info at fselistings dotco

Many companies from around the world are looking for alternative methods of financing. The Banks will not and cannot supply the type of financing that starts a business or advances one whose capital has been depleted.

The reality is that an IPO supersedes most forms of financing, investors know this, Banks know this, but somewhere along the line the companies get the poor decision to stay private.

When do you decide to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange?

Anytime a firm can go public on the exchange as long as they meet the listing requirements. Contact us to see if you qualify.