Getting Started In Forex - It Doesn't Have To Be That Hard!


If you're just getting started in Forex, the biggest problem you'll have is being overwhelmed by all the information and feeling like you need to know everything before you can start making money in this Forex trading business.

The truth is, it doesn't have to be so difficult or complicated at all! Typically, anyone getting started in Forex will take 2-3 years to get consistent in their Forex trading, and it could be more or less for you, but who cares? This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, and you don't want to spend up all your trading capital at the start of the race.

The most important thing you can do right now is to aim for consistency, and not hop onto every new thing that comes along. One of the best things I did starting out was to keep a trading diary, and record my trades, my thoughts, my emotions, my lessons. It really improved my trading, because it kept me focused on improving myself, and just within those few weeks my trading improved drastically.

What are your lessons from getting started in Forex?


Forex is something that even experts keep learning all the time. i am always testing out new ideas on demo accounts till i put them into practice with real money.


Forex is not that hard as long as you put in your time and effort into learn how the forex market works. Technical analysis is easy to learn yet it is a powerful tool to predict the forex market.


It is true description that a trader need at least 2 to 3 years to become adjust with forex market. We face differnet situations daily . it is not easy to understand the nature of forex market. People having no patience want best results in just few months or days.


Learning how to trade forex is a never stopping activity. You need to constantly read books, visit webinars or real seminars, learn new strategies.