Forex Trading Strategies- Patience


Although good Forex Trading Strategies can be a starting point in one's efforts to turn a profit in the market, there is something even more necessary. The most important thing one needs in combination with a good strategy is patience. Problems arise when a trader has a good plan and then changes course when things are on a downward slope. Often one must ride out a loss to make a greater profit. The patience to see good Forex Trading Strategies through to fruition is key.


Agree with that.

Bear in mind that patience is a lot easier when you have tested your system on a demo, and you know that it is proven and profitable.



that's why automated traders have a higher success rate than manual traders, it makes the practice of patience a lot easier


Patience takes time and experience to practice trading in forex. Testing in demo account definitely helps as you don't risk anything.

Agree with that. Bear in mind that patience is a lot easier when you have tested your system on a demo, and you know that it is proven and profitable.Thad

You are right, with demo everything go well and smooth for you. You wouldn't really know what it means to be patient when you trade on demo.


Patience as you have rightly pointed out is one of the best mental forex signal forecasting a trader's fortunes in the forex. Consistency however a popular forex ethic is almost practically extinct as traders jump hurriedly between trends; interpreting charts with more of fear and greed than professionalism. Some are quickly adopting automated trading as they prefer some emotionless robot run their trades for them. But without patience, your broker would invest in your greed, and make a good fortune out of you enough for a Dubai vacation. That is why I prefer patience and diligence even when trading with the most regulated broker, because their license is most times corrective than preventive and at times their rackets show their ill opaque ethics despite their regulation- which is however surprising!

Agree with that. Bear in mind that patience is a lot easier when you have tested your system on a demo, and you know that it is proven and profitable.Thad

I agree with you too, on demo you have nothing to fear. You just coast along with easy, you can be patient for as long as you want. But not so with real account, where your money is at stake!


In forex trading we do need patience. To be successful in forex requires a long process. Forex is a risky business. If you can not wait, we will be stuck in adverse market conditions. We will be a greedy trader. As a result, we often get a trading loss.


I think patience is a good quality of a forex trader and its essential.


patience is a good thing. when a number of one maintains patience within this business and then it allows him satisfaction of accomplishment and profit. the various other thing is usually greed, which is very harmful thing. this particular thing perform nothing with the exception of kills anyone. if there exists any enemy within this business then it really is none various other then greed. so always be careful thanks.


Having patience is very important in forex we need to be patience while we learn about forex and trading and also while we start trading. if we get hurry in our trading then it will lead us to occur mistake and suffer loss.