Forex Brokers - Why Countries Do You Consider Most Secure For A Broker?? - page 2


I have seen so many Forex brokers just filled for a bankruptcy and ran away with client funds in USA. The same cycle just keep repeats itself, year after year from 2000 till today in USA.

Bankruptcy scenarios usually result in Fx traders getting pennies on dollars for their Forex trading accounts. Out of a big list below are few examples that how NFA and CFTC presented Monkey Show in the United states in last decade.

Refco FX

Refco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MF Global

MF GLOBAL HOLDINGS LTD., et al. Chapter 11 Website

PFG Best

Important Message for Customers of Peregrine Financial Group and Peregrine Asset Management

The irony is that both NFA and CFTC just keep coming with new non-sense rule and trading regulations. The reality is that both NFA and CFTC have Failed to protect investors and Forex traders in the USA for sure!

It is about the funds security.

Only open and use a Segregated Forex trading account.

This means, if a broker does not offer a Segregated Forex trading

account then do not trust the broker and looks some where else.

Note: USA brokers do not offer Segregated Forex trading account.