Usefull for my trading system ?


Hi every one. After reading not only this forum, but i dont no, 1000 of them, maby... Im here to tell to every one to change your way to trade, forget for just one minute, forget about fibonacci, moving averages, Macd.....

Thats why only a few made money. All of you are overshadowed by these indicators.

Here we will fallow the money. You guys need to know that we have all the tools to make money.

I do not know everything. Offcourse i will learn with you guys too, but what i will place here is beyond the imagination. Its a true system.They sell this on internet for $200 $300 a month of subscripion. Its not the holy grail, there is no such thing, but will change your vision of the market. I will show with evidence, and every day. We will study these levels, and try to beat the market, or or perhaps split it in half and half.

Its everythingh about Options levels. The futures market we find or edge.

And everything for free.

You need to download the daily CME report , find the best prices based on Open interest, the putt and the call and do this calculation. If you dont know what it is, go study, because here we will only talk about the options influence on FX market.

to Call: Strike + Settle* 100

for Put: Strike - Settle* 100

And place the number you get on mt4 using horizontallines

Look image.

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I believe, I can.


There are two types of options: CALL and PUT. Option CALL allows the holder the option to purchase the asset underlying the contract, or refuse to purchase. Option PUT gives the holder the right to sell the asset or to abandon its sale. Investor acquires an option CALL, if the expected rate on the excess of the asset and option PUT - when it expects lower.

The important thing is that sellers of options are large banks and the buyers - private traders. The interest of the banks is that the price did not rise above the sold call option CALL and do not fall below the sold option, PUT, because otherwise, sold their stock options will be unprofitable for banks, but at the same time profitable for traders.

Levels of options is strong support (resistance) for the price, because at these levels facing the interests of speculative traders and banks.


Options levels 18/11/2010

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Every day i will place pictures with the levels here, we can study them together and find i way to make them better. Any question ?


Could you post an updated reoprt and lines for today?

I downloaded the report and the lines are far away for today´s activity.



Place the lines on your chart with horizontal lines, trade the bounces on it.

The price always feel these lines.

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M5 chart eurusd, today levels 19/10/2010

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How do you import the info as a XL table? The roport is in PDF.


How do you import the info as a XL table? The roport is in PDF. Thanks

I already send a private message to you explaining how to do this.


It is known that among the professional traders, especially in the U.S., the Commodity Futures exchange market is no less popular than the market FOREX under the spot. On the matter of currency exchange market are two major segments of trade: trade in currency futures and options trading in these currency futures. In CME report, they detail in the second segment, namely the Commodity Futures Trading options on currency futures, we call them simply, foreign currency options. Having some information about the results of foreign currency options trading, we can more reliably conduct transactions on the spot market. Major global center for stock trading currency futures instruments, including foreign currency options is the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).


M5 chart. levels of 19/10/2010