Who is Loosing money in Forex? - page 5

The person who started trading without learning it and investing huge amount in this business without having proper knowledge are losing here. As a new trader, if you are searching for any good strategies and daily analysis completely Free, use OctaFX for your own good. Keep learning and don't be a loser like others.

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uncle gober:
you are correct, forex analysis today is not only monopolized by one broker. all brokers have the analysis that we can use to maximize trading that we do. Now I am trying to maximize trading in Armada Markets by using the welcome bonus 15 Euro.

each broker can provide good trading analysis. and we could use to do the OP. if we are not able to perform their own analysis we can to do forex copy.


All traders are exposed to losing in forex, it is not only risky to some traders but it is generally risky. Most newbies traders are exposed to losing money in forex due to lack of proper knowledge or lack of experience. Since most new traders are exposed to losing money, it is always advisable they learn from the experiences of other traders, they should not be ashamed of talking about their weak points rather they should voice it out so that they will be given a guideline on how to trade profitably. There are some trader who lose money in forex due to greediness, it is a disease in this market, so it should be totally avoided.


forex is a business that has a very high risk. With the risk that we need to have the skills and knowledge to trade forex can benefit from. traders who do not have the skills, knowledge, impatience and indiscipline will only lose it.


I think most of the traders loose their money due to lack of knowledge,skills,patience and discipline. You need hard work ,good strategy,money management and planning also to make good progress in Forex.


No trader is exempted from losing money in forex, every trader is exposed to losing money, there are different reasons why traders lose money, traders can lose money due to his carelessness or failure to determine the direction of the trend. The market might move in a direction that is not expected by the trader which might contribute to his losing, That is why it is necessary we determine the direction of the trend and trade in its direction. Proper study of the market is required so loses can be minimized.


many traders are experiencing a lot of loss in forex. because it has a poor trading psychology. Forex is a business that has a risk. to be successful in our forex trading requires not only skill, but we also have to be able to have a good trading psychology. therefore to exercise a good trading psychology I try to trade with $ 1 in instaforex


Basically a lot of traders lose money in forex because they do not have enough ability good trading psychology, forex is very risky because once that we not only need a few good trading skills to be successful in forex, we also need a good psychology. for that we need to train the psychology of trading. instaforex to try trading in the $ 1 we are able to train with good trading psychology


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kaito kid:
All traders loose their money in forex some loose much some loose low amount . It is their ability to trade which gives reward to them. Most common factors for loss are greed , fear and lack of money management. No one is free from loss . W can not be a winner all the times even we are good in trading.

course, forex is a business that has a high risk sangart. we not only need to have good trading skills, but we also need a good trading psychology do not want your account if we experienced a lot of loss. try trading in instaforex with the bonus post