Who is Loosing money in Forex? - page 4


who lost money in forex is a trader who does not want to work hard to make money in forex. Forex has a very high risk that we need to have good trading skills if we want to succeed in forex. for it, utilize of our time to much learn and practice trading so that we are not going to lose a lot of money in forex


Losing money in trading is part of trading.

It is like a cost of doing the business.

You can not become a profitable trader if you do not learn how to effectively take a loss and get out of the market. Next, move on...


who is losing money!! in my opinion i think what we earn comes from anothers traders account, it coul be an individual, or some corporation or banks that lost some!! our loses might as well be some other traders profit and so on but the market is too big that we retail traders are almost non noticeable lol


Forex Trading is a "Zero Sum Game"

If some body wins money then some body loses money!


forex is a business that has a very high risk, with the risk that it will make us have to go through a lot of loss if we do not have the skills and good trading psychology. For that, we need to have a preparation before starting forex trading. we need a lot of practice and learning.


I think due to lack of knowledge,discipline and lack of patience most of the trader loose their money in Forex. So every trader must have good skills and knowledge about Forex.

kaito kid:
All traders loose their money in forex some loose much some loose low amount . It is their ability to trade which gives reward to them. Most common factors for loss are greed , fear and lack of money management. No one is free from loss . We can not be a winner all the times even we are good in trading. Now I'm trying to maximize trade in FBS

yes, I agree with you, everyone can lose money in forex. It depends on the individual trader. How to manage capital well so that loss will be smaller. because forex is a business that has a very high risk. So loss is part of a forex. you can trade in Instaforex with bonus post


Lack of knowldge,lack of self discipline,do not have control over emotions and do not good and clear strategy about Forex may cause loss in Forex.


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Every trader is exposed to losing money in forex. Forex is a risky business and it requires its knowledge before it can be traded successfully. Newbies always fall victim of losing than the experts being that the experts learns from their experiences, same thing goes to the new traders with time they can learn from their mistakes too. If you want to minimize your loses, you need time and patience to learn. One cannot trade forex with only its knowledge, rather discipline also play a measure roll in a successful business.