How Do I trade with No Loss? - page 4

Hi The Forex market users log in to their accounts via the Internet and, in the simplest case ,they see in their browsers the following: Sell Or Buy buttons Of course there are more sophisticated tools such as charts and other available, but the basic case looks exactly as above. Now, all you have to do to earn, is click one button (for example "Buy") and a moment later the other button ("Sell"). If the price of the chosen currency pair rises in meanwhile, you can earn even 400 times more then the increase in the currency pair price .This way, just at the effort of a few clicks a day, you can earn thousands or even hundred of thousand dollars per day. Some of the Forex gurus talk about automated Forex systems and they even sell these systems to other people. These systems are supposed to tell you whether to buy or sell. They draw charts, lines, and arrows. But unfortunately, they DON'T WORK. These systems, delivered as ebooks or simple computer programs have one big disadvantage: they don't learn. And the market evolves daily and every new day requires a fresh, modified approach. Only supercomputers connected to the Internet 24 hour a day are have the power to analyze the markets in real time which enables them to correct their predictions dynamically. That's why the BEST and the ONLY working way to earn money on Forex is by using READY buy/sell signals generated by highly specialized, intelligent, and self-improving software. Forex Automoney, as one of the very few companies in the world, offers access to such signals. Trade forex with ease and guaranteed results by combining the powerful trading platform of Etoro and using ready signals generated by Forex Automoney company, furthermore , Etoro will give you cash prizes on your initial deposit and on the winning trades that you will make. Forex Automoney will give you 3 days trial costing under $6, you can win thousands in this trial window.

How do I trade with no losses.

Easiest question in the world to answer.

Open no trades.

Either that, or accept losses are a part of forex, everyone - even the very best lose trades, manage the losers and the winners take care of their selves and get on with it.

Or ... push the magic button LOL


Loss is a part of the forex. do forex trading with us then we will always be overshadowed by the loss. Loss can not be separated from the forex. But we can minimize the loss. For minimize the loss we need to of good risk management. We can install SL on our account.


I think you can only avoid loss in Forex if you have enough knowledge and skills about Forex. Forex is a worldwide business and you can make lot of profit if you have ability. So if you want to avoid losses then you should get enough education about forex.


it is difficult to no loss . i thi k we can loss but we win more than lose. we will make money . althrough we have good signl we still lose


Trial and error - I would always advising learning from your mistakes and losses though. See what didn't work that time and try and improve on your next trade, don't let losses get you down - they are all part of the process!


Loss is a part of the forex so may not be able to be removed. we just dapata minimize loss. to minimize loss then we need to have a good risk management. with good risk management so we can minimize loss


It is not possible to trade without any loss. Loss is part of the trade and it is unavoidable .The only successful way to trade in forex is minimizing and increasing your winning trades.


we can not eliminate this loss in forex trading. We can only minimize the loss in trading forex trading by attempting to use SL when trading. With the SL, the risks can be minimized with good happened so that it will provide maximum trading results for our trading


It is practically impossible not to experience lost, let no one tell you different, so you wouldn't be in self deception. Lost happens, but what really matter is how well or often we minimize them.

You can learn from the experience of the trader here: How to Trade Forex: How I Succeeded as a New Trader


This is next to impossible. Nobody can trade with Forex or any other business without losing money. But you can say that you gain every time. I have started trading sine 5 years and lose much previously but I gain knowledge regarding various brokers and that helped me a lot. Now I am trading and earning happily with my current broker.