How Do I trade with No Loss? - page 3


You are right we can not get rid of loss in forex trading however it is possible to limit our loss at such point where oue account not suffer badly .For this risk management techniques are necessaary to learn with experience Then a trader will minimize his loss.


with good risk management so we can minimize the risk even greater. Learning from experience is the best way. If experience our account loss , then we can learn from our mistakes. That way, our trading results will be better again.

with good risk management so we can minimize the risk even greater. Learning from experience is the best way. If experience our account loss , then we can learn from our mistakes. That way, our trading results will be better again.

yes agree with this risk management is very important to have to reduce our risk of loss besides this taking lesson from our experience is very good to have.

uncle gober:
Of course, forex trading cant be eliminated but, we only minimize it. Minimize risk is not easy thing because we must be able to understand market movement and it's not as easy as we imagine. Market forex cant be predicted with certainty. let's make practice regularly.

yes, minimizing the risk is not easy. therefore, it takes a good risk management. By doing good risk management so we can minimize the risk. Moreover, the forex risk is very large. We will never know, where the price market will move today.


Every trader wants to trade with no loss but usually it does not happen like this actually for this we need to have great hard work and dedication which usually traders fails to have but yes it is true who works very hard they also not able to have every trade with no loss as market condition goes change.


Two things are basically involve in forex trading, It's either you make profit or loss like when there's loss or profit in any business. But we just have to learn how to minimize loss and take in profit.


Loss is a part of the forex risk. No trader is able to avoid the loss. All traders must have experienced loss. For that, it needs good management risk so loss can be minimized . We need to use SL on our account. By doing so, greater loss can be minimized.


There is now way you can trade without incurring losses..You just need to decide how much you can afford to lose so you don't get too emotional about it.


I think it is impossible to gain without any loss. No one can success without loss. Forex is risky business. So Nobody can not think only profit without any loss. When you will expert, you will reduce your loss.


No loss trading had no place in forex market. You have to suffer low or high losses at any stage of your trading career .May be some times you do no loss trading but this practice is not successful for ever even professional and experienced traders also face loss .