How much funds ? - page 2

I think being new trader should invest small amount being new he don't have enough experience and their high risk of loosing money in forex so it is very important that being new trader should invest small amount of capital in forex.

Yes, we should invest small amount to start trading in forex with real account, it will help us to test our trading skill, and it's also will introduce real market forex. Apply what we've learn and understand when using demo account

I think being new trader should invest small amount being new he don't have enough experience and their high risk of loosing money in forex so it is very important that being new trader should invest small amount of capital in forex.

Yes, we should invest small amount to start trading in forex with real account, it will help us to test our trading skill, and it's also will introduce real market forex. Apply what we've learn and understand when using demo account


You can start modestly to test the market, gradually you can then increase your investment.

You can start modestly to test the market, gradually you can then increase your investment.

With minimum amount, we can try to trade in forex with real account, we also can hone management skills with it. If we can manage small amount, i'm sure it will be easier if we use bigger capital next.


If this is your first deposit, i prefer you to deposit small account. If you want to invest 500$, i prefer you first to invest 100$ and if you lost it, to make another 100$ deposit. It is better to invest 5 x 100$ than to lost 500$ directly. So if you lost first deposit, you have better chances with the another deposit.


First you invest a small amount in trading account or do real trading with bonus from forums . In this way you will know about your performance and skillin trading with good results you can invest more next time any time you want . Avoid high amount in start you can loose due to inexperience.


Better to start trading with small funds, especially if we are still a newbie, can with a mini account where the minimum deposit is relatively small, I open a mini account with galleass only $ 10, with the little fund if I loss i am not going to suffer at all. When trading skills are pretty good, especially in terms of managing risk forex, trading with a large fund would be more comfortable.


Start up funds should be enough to trade in forex market $200 to $250 are a sufficient amount for beginners . They can start with less than this amount as their broker offer lower start up . he can make deposits in micro accounts for just $1 to have trading practice in real account.


Traders should start with demo account with small amount of money. Demo account is a good source of making some income and also some education about forex. So trader should trade in Demo account for at least one year.


My first time using the bonus trading post to trading a real account. So I do not spend capital for real trading account. but before start trading real account so we can make the demo account to practice trading.