Forex Survey - have your say


Dear Readers, this survey serves market research purposes only and we hope to have your answers in order to improve our services so they can meet your demands. You are free to decide whether to answer the 14 survey questions below. Your opinion is extremely valuable for us and we can only encourage you to submit your feedback.

1-How old are you?

2-What is your gender?

3-In which country do you reside?

4-What is your average annual income?

5-Do you trade Forex? If yes, how long have you been on the markets?

6-If you trade Forex, how many lots do you trade on average daily?

7-If you trade Forex , which Forex broker do you trade with?

8-What features and services do you look for in a Forex broker?

9-What features and services do you wish for in a broker but you cannot find?

10-What new trading instruments do you like to see in a Forex broker?

11-What sections do you suggest on a broker’s website

12-What kind of information would you like to see on your broker’s website

13-If you trade Forex, how did you find your broker?

14-Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Forex broker services above all other brokers?

Thank you for your cooperation