Emotional Management


Trading with emotions and the various feelings a trader may experience when trading the market.Tactics to overcome fear of entry or exit of a position.If you have not exited or entered a trade due to anxiety then you need to read and apply the techniques.

guide.pdf  1881 kb

I have shown your attached files.It means taking conscious control of your attitude and making it positive.This is crucial because attitude often becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.Tactics to overcome fear of entry or exit of a position.


Remember to manage your emotions or your emotions will manage you> keep your eye on the goal and keep moving toward it no matter what.


this looks great man thanks. managing emotions is very important while trading and investing money.


Lot of expectations and lack of knowledge in forex trading makes one to face emotional issues. Nowadays many people are just aiming for profits and getting rich by overnight rather than learning the nuances of forex trading. Once you are thorough with basics and nuances, i am sure emotional factors will not overrule at any time. Hope everybody agrees with my point.

Thank You!


Emotional management is one of the most important factors that people lose money in the forex market. They either get so scared or greedy and turn a profitable trade into a big loser.


Thanks for this, I am not very good at controlling my emotions when it comes to money This will ocme in handy!


If you are trading this is connecting in your emotions and feelings. Because of all of the experience you undergone you came up with an emotions that make you stress.


This seems to be a great tool! Thanks for sharing!


Hey, Kevin. Just downloaded your "Traps of Trading" .PDF and it was great. So, downloading this one, too!