Trading Plan v. God's Plan


Do you have a trading plan? Do you stick to your trading plan

or you just change plans at will

Do you know the plans God have towards you or

your trading career?

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11)

I have been asking God this question recently on where exactly

I can find His plans with regards to my trading. If God have plans for individuals, He must also have for businesses, career, marriages, etc.

The answer I got is that I have to copy God's plan myself for

my business. At first it looks like impossible task. After

spending time dweling in the presence of God I came up with my own

plan copied directly from God's plan for financial investments.

Trading plan @


God is providing a signalling service now?

Do I have to pay up front with my soul, or will he accept 10% of the weekly returns? I think that asking for both would be a bit greedy.

If you can link an RSS feed it would be great as I am busy living in the real world.


Your response signifies ignorance, fears, emptiness, and uncertainities with your own signal services.

The thread is not about signal service, it is on trading plans. Do you have

one, and how often do you change your plan and based on what?

Do you provide signal righteously to people based on plans or you just look at your chart and conjure up false direction of markets based on shallow human knowledge?


Unfortunately my response shows none of those things as I assure you I have seen what is on offer with belief in an external higher being and personally I think that it's all a bit disappointing.

I agree, for the most part human knowledge is shallow and putting your time and effort into pursuing a myth is a great example.

My apologies I should not have responded the way that I did, and each to his own.... you may think that my response lacks awareness but I grew up in a family of devout believers and was part of the whole thing until a few experiences challenged my perspectives and I was able to see the bigger picture and realised how narrow minded religion makes people. Most of the world's issues can be attributed to a religious conflict of some description.

Hope it all works out for you and as long as your trading is successful then go for it. Personally, I believe that all of the power to shape my reality lies within and it's a shame that people feel the need to think of themselves as inferior.

Unfortunately my response shows none of those things as I assure you I have seen what is on offer with belief in an external higher being and personally I think that it's all a bit disappointing.I agree, for the most part human knowledge is shallow and putting your time and effort into pursuing a myth is a great example.My apologies I should not have responded the way that I did, and each to his own.... you may think that my response lacks awareness but I grew up in a family of devout believers and was part of the whole thing until a few experiences challenged my perspectives and I was able to see the bigger picture and realised how narrow minded religion makes people. Most of the world's issues can be attributed to a religious conflict of some description.Hope it all works out for you and as long as your trading is successful then go for it. Personally, I believe that all of the power to shape my reality lies within and it's a shame that people feel the need to think of themselves as inferior.

Thanks for your apologies, accepted- I do not want to make issues out of what is academics and supposed to help people view what is wrong with their trades if they do not follow their trading plans, regardless of one's past experience with his/her religion.


Pretty cool. Haven't read anything like this before in any forex forums. There are some cultures that put their fate into the hands of God. So perhaps if they deeply believe that God will show them the way in what to do with their trading business, I see nothing wrong with that. Some may believe in HIM, others don't bother at all.

Pretty cool. Haven't read anything like this before in any forex forums. There are some cultures that put their fate into the hands of God. So perhaps if they deeply believe that God will show them the way in what to do with their trading business, I see nothing wrong with that. Some may believe in HIM, others don't bother at all.

I have been posting about this how anyone can adopt the Bible to uncover

chaos in the financial markets since 2006. This was before market crashes in 2008. like you said 99.99% of people have doubt it is possible to trade

financial markets based on what is written.

But God has helped me simplifed His knowledge in this area to a point of

no return @ Understanding Financial Chaos through the Bible

Few who thinks it is possible don't know how, or they don't want to know how, are too fearful to know how or dare say it out for fear of mockery from those who don't want to know how.

Following God's plans to trade is not a matter of faith, or culture, or what

anyone believe but a matter of UNDERSTANDING GOD'S THOUGHTS by studying God's hearts and comparing it with what primary market participants are doing. It is like you pick two view points or hearts to see

who is foolish or their views on issue.

For example many people have faith in God, believe in God, can die for God, but cannot trust switching their methods of trade to God's view points for fear of losing their money or being laughed at.

They trust more of carnal methods than Biblical methods. But the same Bible says you cannot be receiving trading counsels from worldly knowledge if you say you love God, believe in Him and can die for Him.

Trading using God plans or thoughts or knowledge is understanding and using each word written in the Bible to examine the righteousness of every move or behaviour of primary market participants as they trade contrary to what is written.

For me it has nothing to do with religion or comparing Christianity with another religion to know which one is better than the other, since I already know which is better as there is no culture that don't talk about God. No it is far from that. For me it has nothing to do with creation, science, evolution etc.

The secret:

I know that human behaviours are antagonistic to God's instructions,

counsels, wisdoms, etc. Since I am betting with my broker, I know that

primary market participants can easily go against God's counsels on chasing

money (GREED)

So I know for certainty when their actions deviate from God's counsels, and I abstain from following them in their errors and foolishness, greed, panic etc. Most retail or individual FX traders don't think like this, or think that the tools we have at hand can grossly go against what God wants

so they get entagle by boasting how good their knowledge or EA is, and also in the process got into committing the same errors, sins, and worries of the primary market participants who invented the tools the retail traders are using. Thus they lose all the won in the past to the enjoyment of their brokers.

It is knowing for certainty that primary markets participants are wrong in their decision to 'short sell' for example, and stay away from market no matter how attractive such short sell might be. Or alterantively, knowing that the last massive panic sell of that move against my investment position is borne out of fear and not because of the counsel of God on how to sow and harvest;

When you certainly know that primary market participants are simply reacting due to fear, do you close your investment and follow foolish and temporary human behaviour or stick with God's counsels?

Case in point is the recent massive sell off since January which was first started by Obama proposal to regulate the retail FX markets, and aggrevated by the situation in Greece.

Both these two events were contrary to God's own thoughts on when to start sowing or harvesting, but crowd behaviour reacted irrationally to them by massively pulling out their money from the market.

Do you follow them or abstain or close out your positions or maintain your positions.

You can not take those decisions based on faith without understanding God's economic principles of sowing and harvesting.

You can see that many people have faith, they believe in God but lacks knowledge on how His economy functions as compared to corrupted earthly economic principles.

When you know God's own view points on issues you are involved in, you do not need to fear, panic, worry, or have emotion because of bandwagon effect that everyone are in; or fear that the market will leave you behind.

Let us talk or examine another trading plan of man - that of hedging.

This is the most laziest, unrighteous, foolish, or what have you method

ever invented by man to cover their lack of knowledge of market cycles.

Ok I will talk about that next time.....just see my posts at my site

Together we can become better FX retail market speculators that is the will of God for sure, whether people like it or not, His will shall be fulfilled without permission from anyone.

