Please can you help for oracle database .dll


I wanna connect my EA to an ORACLE XE database. Does anyone have any experience belonging to this?

Does anyone have an idea to solve this issue? Or is it just solved? If it is possible I don't wanna handle with java.


What about OCILIB?

Is it possible with it? What about pointer in mql4, I havn't mentioned any.... .


I don't want to connect to MySQL, this is already done and it works more or less. But I am sure, ORACLE would work much better and faster... . :-) And I know ORACLE DB much better.


What I wanna do:

- connect to database

- select (mulit-row) and work with the results, update, insert

- close database-connection

- error-handling would be nice


THX in advance,


OCILIB (C Driver for Oracle) – Open source C library for accessing Oracle databases
The current version is v3.12.1 (2013-03-04) Note : OCILIB 4.0 introducing a new C++ API is coming soon !

If you don't find any proper answer to your question (because it's too sepecific, I think), you could try the Jobs section.



is it too specific? I'm looking for exactely the same!

So, if anybody has a proper solution, I am very interested as well!!!

THX in advance!




is it too specific? I'm looking for exactely the same!

So, if anybody has a proper solution, I am very interested as well!!!

THX in advance!


Is this helping ?
DLL string function does not work on Build 600 - MQL4 forum
DLL string function does not work on Build 600 - MQL4 forum

I wanna connect my EA to an ORACLE XE database. Does anyone have any experience belonging to this?

Does anyone have an idea to solve this issue? Or is it just solved? If it is possible I don't wanna handle with java.


I suggest you use an agnostic and simple two tier solution: HTTP requests.

And this will work even for MT4 and MT5.
Is this helping ?

Not very much. I found this snippets already, but I miss a lot of information.

Now I know, that it is possible. So I must have it as well. :-)

So, gorick, please help!!! That would be so kind of you!!!


Hello  quickmick,

Were you able to connect to ORacle successfully?  I am looking for the same information. 




Not yet. Do you have any solutions right now?

THX in advance!