The Many Aspects of Forex - Part 1


The Many Aspects of Forex - Part 1


5 Good characteristics of a successful forex trader are; commitment, discipline, stewardship, continued education and patience. These are human characteristics of a successful fx traders,

Commitment- Forex trading is a business. To be a successful FX trader you must learn the FX process. Start with learning the basis, move to immediate level and then progress to the advanced level.

Discipline - If you are an undisciplined trader you are setting yourself up for failure.

Stewardship - Mange your money, by allocating your funds correctly. Do over leverage yourself.

Continued Education - The market is constantly changing. There is always something new to learn.

Patience - Chinese proverb says, "patience is a great virtue". Wait for trade to come to you.

There is a lot more to being a successful forex trader. You will need to learn and master several fx skills which are; market knowledge, anticipated trades, rules of our trades, trade confirmation, and trading psychology. The last one is a biggie.

Market knowledge and Anticipated Trades - This is comprised of support and resistance, fibonacci ratios, moving averages, breakouts and trading ranges.

Rules of Our Trades - These are set ups for high probability for movement to happen; 6 aces, 6 aces reversal, royal flush and a wild card. These are the rules you must follow.

Trade Conformation- Oscillators, MACD, moving averages, big pictures, 240 minute trend charts, fibonacci ratio, margin management and over leveraging.

Trading Psychology - This is the head games that go along with fx trading.

Forex is a learned skill that requires a lot of practice to be successful. Some traders grasp the skill and concept quicker than others. Everyone one learns at a different pace and vi a different method. It is practice and being committed which is the key to being successful.

Forex is a great business it runs 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. The forex doesn't care if about your educational level, race color or creed. What does matter is that you know how to create a great trade and build a margin. Forex can be a great place to way to make a living or earn extra income. It can also be a venue where you can lose a lot of capital if you don't educate yourself. Never risk more in the forex than you are willing to lose.

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Forex Video: the Basics to Forex and Technical analysis|We Learn Forex.


Discipline & moderation are keys to trading FX successfully


Nice post above, you really did well with your research to have produce such a wonderful piece. Those points are really well arranged and placed.


I think trader must keep control over the emotions like greed and revenge trading also trader must learn in forex always and knowledge is the key to success in forex.

I think trader must keep control over the emotions like greed and revenge trading also trader must learn in forex always and knowledge is the key to success in forex.

Of course, in the forex trading we should be able to control our emotions. Emotions will only make our trading will experience loss. We should be able to keep our emotions in order to be stable. If I had emotions, I am trading better leave first. After our emotions have subsided, I could continue my trading. I think it would be very helpful, so that our trading results will be maximized.


Great post dude.i think commitment and discipline are very important for forex


Well said! Keeping emotions apart is the one and only main thing to get started with forex trading