Need Help with Research for My Book


Howdy folks...

I'd like to enlist your help as I put the finishing touches on my upcoming book. Actually, rather than calling it "my" book, I really ought to call it your book.

As those of you who have been on my site for a while now know, when I first set out to write this book the goal was to create the sort of book I wish I had when I was learning. When someone asks me for the perfect book on forex trading, I inevitably end up recommending 3 or 4 titles and not just 1. My wish is that this book changes that, and finally there will be a complete guide, arming a trader with everything they need in order to succeed and not end up like the other 95%.

To that end, the book will contain a section on tax considerations. While I am fairly familiar with the specifics on how profits from trading are declared in the US, and on which forms, I would also like to include information for traders in the other major English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and United Kingdom). If you live in any of these countries, I would appreciate your response to this post with some information on the following:

How are trading profits declared and on which forms? Is forex treated differently from other types of trading?

Are trading profits called "capital gains" in your country, or is there some other commonly used term?

Are there limits in your country on types or amounts of deductions for expenses and losses?

Are there advantages to incorporating vs. trading as an individual in your country? If so what type(s) of corporations?

Do these corporations allow you to deduct such things as computers and trips to conferences?

Can you do this as an individual or only as a corporation?

Lastly, if you could please provide some links to the relevant pages of your country's tax authority's website, that would be great.

Thank you all very much in advance! Your assistance is invaluable in helping me create the best resource I possibly can for traders around the world. I think this would also make for a very informative discussion thread in this section of the Forum as well.