Forex Trading For Beginners (Free Forex Education)


We are compiling a complete course of free lessons to help beginners get started in forex trading. The lessons will guide you through the basics of forex trading. Upon completion, you will know the in(s) and the out(s) of forex, learn how to make your first trades, how to read charts, how to apply trading systems to increase the profits, how to choose broker and open a trading account, and more.

1. Forex Market Overview

This lesson will introduce you to FOREX and its history. You will learn how FOREX market works and know the advantages of FOREX over stocks and other markets. Read Lesson...

2. Currency Pair and Price

In this lesson, you will learn about currency pairs, currency rates, spread, pip and the basics of price movement. Read Lesson...

3. Margin and Leverage

You will be introduced to margin trading, leverage and contract size in this lesson. Also, you will learn how leverage can magnify your profits. Read Lesson...

4. Order Types

You will learn about the variety of order types and how to correctly place trade orders. This lesson will also show how profit/loss is made when the currency rate changes. Read Lesson...

5. Chart Reading

You will learn how to read different types of charts: OHLC chart, candlestick chart and line chart. This is a crucial foundation to technical analysis. Read Lesson...

More lessons are coming in next week...

6. Basic Trading Systems

You will learn how to analyze the market through technical anaylis. In addition, you will learn how use trend lines and basic technical indicators to help you make informed decisions.

7. Broker and Trading Account

You are now ready to place your first trades and apply what you have learnt into practice. In this lesson, you will learn how to choose a good broker, how to demo trade, and how to open your first trading account.

I hope you enjoyed the lessons. Should you have any questions, post them to the forums. Senior members will help answer them, and guide you along the way.



We've published more lessons today. Check them out.


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Thanks for these lessons.



thank you very much for the lessons you shared with us. It is very important to learn more about Forex, the history of it, how you can earn, the currency price and everything so the person will be more successful in this field of business.



Forex education is must in it, you can learn lesson from internet..


Trading Strategy Types

Trading strategies vary considerably from trader to trader, depending on their personality and risk appetite.

What follows in this section and its subsections consists of descriptions of a number of the most commonly used forex trading styles, along with a brief review of the techniques involved in implementing them.

Types of Trading Strategies

Each of the primary trading styles has been briefly introduced below. They have been placed in order according to the time frame that the trader operates in when employing that strategy, from the shortest to the longest time period that the trader typically holds a position.

* Scalping – a very short term strategy used mostly by market makers and speculators to attempt to capture the bid/offer spread

Scalping in the forex market consists of an extremely short-term trading strategy which attempts to take advantage of the bid offer spread. In doing so, scalpers act a bit like a market maker, while only holding positions briefly like a day trader.

The basic objective of scalping consists in getting in and out of the market as quickly as possible for a profit. One scalper summed it up well by describing their idea of a long-term investment as holding a position until noon.

Scalping the market can be quite lucrative, although the profits do not come without a pretty steep price in terms of personal time invested. Scalpers must be on alert and completely absorbed in the market throughout trading hours.

In addition, scalping requires the trader’s books to be extremely well organized, leaving no loose ends and keeping perfect track of every lot traded. Like day traders, scalpers typically do not hold overnight positions

Scalper Trading Techniques

Scalpers rely primarily on liquid markets above all to give them opportunities to trade on both sides of the dealing spread. The possibility of entering and exiting a trade profitably with a minimum of effort and time elapsed is the ideal situation for a scalper.

Once the profit on a trade has been realized or the position stopped out, the scalper moves on to the next trade. They might then elect to reposition at a lower price or short at a higher level. Successful scalping involves the trader realizing profits on trades as continuously as possible.

Scalpers use technical analysis primarily to set levels to trade against. Nevertheless, the point of scalping consists of realizing profits quickly and holding positions for the least time possible.

Scalpers tend to make the most money in deep, liquid markets that offer the tightest spreads such as the EUR/USD or the USD/JPY currency pairs. Volatile markets with less liquidity are usually harder to scalp.

* Day Trading – a short-term trading strategy in which a trader liquidates all positions before the end of the trading day

Trading in the forex market goes on pretty much continuous throughout the business week. It starts after the Monday morning opening in the Far East and Australia that occurs on Sunday afternoon in New York until the Friday New York close.

Day Trading as a Strategy

As a result, day trading in the forex market usually refers to trading strategies that involve closing out all positions before the end of the day. It will also usually involve trading during a normal trading session in whatever time zone the trader is located.

Day trading allows a trader to avoid taking overnight market risk, which can be considerable, depending on what “overnight” means in your time zone. To U.S. residents, for example, overnight means during trading sessions in the Far East and the early European session before New York starts tradin

Furthermore, day trading in the forex market was once the domain of professional traders. In many cases they worked for large banks and financial institutions which could take on large positions on lines of credit.

Nevertheless, in today’s forex market, with the proliferation of online retail forex brokers, the possibility of day trading in the forex market is now available to millions of individual forex traders

Some Advantages of Avoiding Overnight Risk

Holding forex positions overnight can be a nerve racking endeavor. One of the most obvious reasons that people prefer to day trade is that it allows them to be alert during trading times.

Day trading also lets traders get a good night’s rest without having to worry about a position going against them in an illiquid overnight market or getting stopped out unnecessarily because they could not watch their levels.

Many open forex positions will include a stop loss order for risk control. The levels at which stop loss orders are placed will often be fine tuned according to support and resistance levels that can be observed by a wide audience watching the same data.

The potential therefore exists for large players to take advantage of less liquid overnight markets to go “stop hunting”. This means they are looking to provoke certain technical levels to trade in order to trigger stops and enhance their profit

* Range Trading – a short to mid-term strategy based on first identifying and then trading within a range. Involves selling at the top of the range and buying at the low end of the range

One of the more popular trading techniques used by forex traders consists of range trading. A range in currency lingo refers to the exchange rate for a currency pair trading between two clearly identified price levels, one higher and one lower.

These levels at which prices tend to reverse make up what are commonly known as levels of support and resistance.

Support levels provide traders with an indication of where buying activity appears to prop up a currency pair’s exchange rate at a certain level. On the other hand, resistance is indicated where selling pressure increases and overwhelms demand, thereby bringing the rate down

Range Trading Technique

Range trading done optimally can be extremely lucrative for a trader with the right temperament and disciplined mindset. One of the requirements for a trader to range trade successfully involves knowing when to enter and exit trades.

Once levels of support and resistance have been successfully determined by the trader — generally by using price charts and other technical indicators — they are then prepared to initiate position

The trader will typically place a buy or sell order midway between their identified range’s support and resistance levels. Once executed, they will then either place a stop-loss sell order below the support level or a stop-loss buy order above resistance respectively to optimally limit their risk.

In addition, the trader will aim to take profits by selling at the upper part of the range if they went long, or by buying near support at the lower part of the range if they went short.

Managing Range Trading Risk

Two important qualities of range traders are patience and the ability to pull the trigger in a disciplined way when levels are reached.

Range traders generally enter their stop-loss orders to manage risk just outside of the identified trading range in the event of a breakout. They might even reverse their positions on a confirmed break.

While not as spectacularly profitable as trend trading, part of the reason that this trading strategy is so popular is because of the fact that some currencies can trade in definable ranges for weeks and sometimes even months at a time.

Also, while currency exchange rates do fluctuate periodically, they tend to trade within an overall range often defined by a central bank’s comfort zone for its country’s currenc

* Swing Trading – basically, buying low and selling high, often using technical analysis to determine swing points where the market is oversold or overbought

Swing trading resembles range trading in that both strategies rely on the correct identification of the levels of support and resistance. Nevertheless, a number of subtle differences do exist.

Swing trading basically consists of a longer term strategy, whereas range trading can be short to medium-term in focus.

The main difference between the two strategies is that the range trader will rely on identifying a range to trade in and out of profitably, as often as possible. On the other hand, a swing trader will generally take on a position and wait for a certain percentage move or swing to occur in order to take their profits.

Swing Trading Tools

Swing traders, much like range traders, tend to rely on their technical analysis of price charts. They often use one or more technical indicators such as moving averages and oscillators to indicate overbought and oversold conditions in the market.

While the range trader trades ahead of key support levels where they would buy and resistance levels where they would sell, the swing trader will more likely trade a break of such levels and then hold the position for a longer period of time. In many cases they make a larger profit from the bigger move, but they usually trade less frequently.

When swing trading, stop loss orders are also usually placed safely beyond the appropriate support and resistance levels, if this risk is affordable to the trader. Swing traders also generally have their stops trail the market as their positions gain profits.

Swing versus Trend Trading

Swing trading — while not as potentially lucrative as trend trading — is a strategy that can produce good results for well disciplined trader

Nevertheless, the importance of trading with a comprehensive trading plan is as essential when swing trading as when using any other type of trading strategy.

* Trend Trading – the most long-term of the trading strategies, trend trading involves identifying and trading the overall direction of the market, often until a reversal occurs. Trailing stops will often be used to protect profits.

Despite recent events causing some countries to decrease their U.S. Dollar holdings and a general loss of confidence in the currency, the U.S. Dollar continues being the world’s leading reserve currency

As a result, observing trends in the currency market often consist of tracking the performance of the U.S. Dollar against the rest of the world currencies. Due to this fact, major trends in individual currencies also usually get measured against the U.S. Dollar.

Nevertheless, substantial and potentially profitable trends can also be observed in the cross rates for currencies other than the U.S. Dollar quoted versus other major currencies like the Euro, the Japanese Yen and the British Pound Sterling.

How Trend Trading Works

The basic idea behind trend trading consists of first identifying a long-term, medium-term or short-term directional movement occurring in a currency pair. This can be done by reviewing a graph or chart of the exchange rate for a currency pair plotted versus time.

Identifying a short term trend could be done on an hourly chart covering a period of less than one week, while a medium term trend would require looking at price action over a few weeks to a few months. Long term trading would involve reviewing a period of several months to several years.

A trend trader would then take action by looking for a pullback to initiate a forex position in the direction of the prevailing trend, with clear exit points for limiting risk and taking profits.

Refer to Forex Trading | Forex | Forex Broker | Excel Forex for more info


Thanks for sharing valuable post. Its really very useful tips and suggestions you have mentioned in your post. Free Forex courses are very important to get knowledge of the Forex trading and the market as well. Forex courses are beneficial for the initials starting in Forex market but its always better that when you finally think about earning successfully in the forex trading market, you would ultimately have to enter into real money trading.


Thank for "Scorpion", its good idea about such lessons - please go on. However i know rather much about all of it, but it will be interesting to read, and, maybe, assist in some cases, may be share some experience etc.

waiting for a new lessons


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