How You Make Money Trading Forex


In my desperate search for the winning wisdom in forex trading, I have spent fortunes in acquisition of knowledge from many experts on the trade, I have paid hundreds of dollars to purchase so many information, my library is loaded with brain of forex traders in black and white, some are very informative and helpful and few are so irrelevant, after several months of research and demo trading in various platforms I graduated from a novice to an upgraded forex trader and today I can say I have climbed up the ladder of forex trading faster than I thought I would, making good money and having lost some that has made me better forex trading coach and entrepreneur today. My greatest joy in online business is my ability to be able to help others mine the Internet wealth without stress.

To become a profitable and reliable forex resource expert and trader it’s very expensive and very costly. Most resource books and e-books on this trade are not too easy to come by. Please tell how can learn the forex trading that can make me rich.


l am new to forex but l am doing well in demo account with IBFX. Now l want to open a life account but still in a dilemma which broker to choose. l like IBFX but after reading the brokerage forums l see more people complain than compliment. They make me scared. Can anyone give me hints on which broker is good.


I think most of my learning has come from taking classical mechanics and developing my own research around it. I think the more angles you have, the better decision you are going to make as long as it does not take away from your opportunity. Trust what you see. If you want to make money at a quick pace then I would suggest scalping.

In my desperate search for the winning wisdom in forex trading, I have spent fortunes in acquisition of knowledge from many experts on the trade, I have paid hundreds of dollars to purchase so many information, my library is loaded with brain of forex traders in black and white, some are very informative and helpful and few are so irrelevant, after several months of research and demo trading in various platforms I graduated from a novice to an upgraded forex trader and today I can say I have climbed up the ladder of forex trading faster than I thought I would, making good money and having lost some that has made me better forex trading coach and entrepreneur today. My greatest joy in online business is my ability to be able to help others mine the Internet wealth without stress.To become a profitable and reliable forex resource expert and trader it’s very expensive and very costly. Most resource books and e-books on this trade are not too easy to come by. Please tell how can learn the forex trading that can make me rich.

The best way to learn something on the forex is by trial and error..

First of all you'll need to figure out what kind of trader you are and the second step is finding or developping a good system or strategy.


Well, From my point of view there are several ways to make money on a Forex trade depending on whether you want to buy or sell the currency that is currently in your possession, But most is a Choose a forex broker or you can trade by yourself. Make this decision based on how comfortable you feel.


Hello all,

Firstly i want to say if you are new to the game and you are caught in the hype of how easy you think it is and how much money you think you are going to make in a years time because you doubled or tripled 1 or 2 demo accounts....Then plz read the PDF that i attached.

I could write an essay about everything but it's late here in Australia. All i am going to say to the new guys or gals is;

#1 Don't get caught up in the HYPE!
#2 Get a good book on the PSYCHOLOGICAL side of trading and make it stick!!

all the rest will fall in place when you have 2 & 3 worked out 1 will just save you money.

Hope i wasn't too blunt, getting late!!

PS. I am not the Author of the PDF and i don't think the guy that even put it together is. So i'm not sure who the credit goes too?


5steps1.pdf  42 kb

I follow up the trend.


You can make money in forex trading with ROBOTS.


The first thing you have to consider is if you want to trade manually or automatically...both of them are profitable if you know how to do it, but each one of them required differents knowledges and methods...

The first thing you have to consider is if you want to trade manually or automatically...both of them are profitable if you know how to do it, but each one of them required differents knowledges and methods...

What are those different knowledges and methodes?

You can make money in forex trading with ROBOTS.

No way