Slope Direction Line, alert needed


Hi Guys and Gals

I have been to this site over 200 times and i love every bit....I have a really simple but complex question/request (to

I trade a very simple strategy mainly using the SLOPE DIRECTION LINE..Now ma Problem is that i have to stay in front of the computer almost all day and it getting depressing....

Now ma Request to all who can help...

Attached is a Basic SDL Indicator...can any of you place an alert system..

Sound, arrows, Dialogue boxes anything to get ma attention...

The alert should appear/sound when the slope line changes color, from blue to red...etc

Thanks you guys and gals and keep up the good work...



Post mq4 file. ex4 cannot be edited.


I'd love to have an alert for it, too

I have an alert file for it, but it doesn't work, no sound and no alert message. Attached the original slope direction line mq4 file and the non-working slope direction line alert file.



The one you posted with the alert should be working...


Did you try it? I just tried it again... re-added the mq4 file to my indi folder and restarted mt4. I am watching the charts, the line has changed color, waited for candle close to verify color change, still no alert, no sound, no popup. (I have a new laptop and fresh install of mt4, everything else works)


Maybe there is a prob in the code then.. I have not tried it yet..

Maybe there is a prob in the code then.. I have not tried it yet..

Yeah, I've played around with the code, but I only know a little about it. Couldn't get it to work.

I'd love to have an alert for it, too I have an alert file for it, but it doesn't work, no sound and no alert message. Attached the original slope direction line mq4 file and the non-working slope direction line alert file. thanks

there are some mistakes in source code

1) bool isNewBar() - written to be called once, any future calls gives same result - false in original function called in all if operators - it's not good

so just create a new variable and call function once bool bNewBar = isNewBar();

2) this indicator is overwriting itself - so comparing neighboring elements of array - not good idea (once new bar have been created - last 3 or 4 bars could be changed) - it cause that some times signal won't appear (sample code doesn't solve this problem)


bool bNewBar = isNewBar();
if ( (Uptrend[0] == EMPTY_VALUE) && (Uptrend[1] != EMPTY_VALUE) && bNewBar )
Alert("SELL signal at Ask=",Ask,", Bid=",Bid,", Date=",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime())," Symbol=",Symbol()," Period=",Period());
if ( (Dntrend[0] == EMPTY_VALUE) && (Dntrend[1] != EMPTY_VALUE) && bNewBar )
Alert("BUY signal at Ask=",Ask,", Bid=",Bid,", Time=",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime())," Symbol=",Symbol()," Period=",Period());



Best regards

FiboLab Team


Awesome!! Thank you!!

This seems to work now (don't know what to do about the problem of a signal not appearing sometimes, but so far as I've been using it, it seems to be ok)

File attached of working indi


can u guys not fix it so it always works ?


Is there any chance that it can made to show arrows on a new colour?